西山 薫
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
vol.6, pp.137-148, 2003-03-20

In this paper, the relationships among proactive personality, two kinds of self-efficacy, and employment anxiety were explored. Participants were 454 Japanese college women. It was found that proactive personality, general self-efficacy, and career decision-making self-efficacy were negatively correlated with the three factors of employment anxiety, i. e. employment seeking activity, vocational aptitude, and workplace. The results of multiple regression analyses between these three dependent variables and the three factors of employment anxiety indicated three different regression patterns. Proactive personality and career decision-making self-efficacy related to vocational aptitude anxiety, and general self-efficacy, while at lower levels, related to all three. The results relations to proactive personality were discussed based on a 'demands-control model'. In addition, employment anxiety was discussed in relation to specific depelopmental tasks in adolescence.


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Proactive Personalityの日本版尺度を作成して下さった西山先生の論文 https://t.co/yUMPCHA9FY 職業不安とProactive Persnality特性には相関(-)が見られたが弱かったとのこと。 面白いのは、この特性は逆境に強いものの、自由な選択や裁量への制限が加わることに対しては弱い的な考察があったこと。

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