神戸 洋子
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.12, pp.91-98, 2016-03-31

Though picture books of Etz( 1895-1985) have been considered warm and tender, they contain senses of anxieties and grief.Etz's anxieties and grief are related to wars.A boy and animals in In the Forest( 1944) are marching like an army, and he andhis father vanish into the forest as if they are gone. The hollow tree has an ear to spy them. A seal in Oley , the Sea monster( 1947) is like a conscript boy, being totally at aloss in an alienated place. The car in Little Old Automobile( 1948) may be a fugitive soldier. He goes his own way and getsforfeited of girl and barbed-wire fences. Those grief against wars can be related to Etz’ loss experience of her first husbandduring the war.


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【最近入荷/しばらく児童書】もりのなか(福音館/マリー・ホール・エッソ/間崎ルリ子) 定番中の定番。この本1944年の出版なんですよ(日本語訳は1963)。というわけでこの絵本に潜む戦争の影に関してググったらズバリな論文pdf発見→https://t.co/JNRpgEgJMq【店舗休業中/振込用紙同封で発送可】※安いよ https://t.co/WZQkNeDJ60

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