桜井 雄太 森 貴久
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.12, pp.11-15, 2016-03-31

We investigated whether Japanese land snails like hydrangea in rain season, which is a typical image for Japanese. Wesurveyed five sites in Uenohara, Yamanashi, central Japan, to collect land snails and record vegetation between May andJuly, 2006. We found more than 400 snails of eight species, most of which were Euhadra peliomphala and Acusta despectasieboldiana. E. pelimphala were found on leaves of hydrangea more frequently than expected from vegetation at the sites,whereas A. despecta sieboldiana were frequently found on other leaves of plants than hydrangea, cherry and Poaceae grass.We also tested whether E. pelimphala prefer hydrangea leaves to cherry or Poacea leaves by experiments in a laboratory, andfound no preference of hydrangea to other species. These findings suggest that the image of land snails on hydrangea duringrain season is a biologically correct image at least for E. pelimphala , but the snail is not necessary prefer hydrangea leavesmuch better to other plants.
佐野 誠 篠原 正典
帝京科学大学紀要 (ISSN:18800580)
vol.8, pp.101-111, 2012-03-31

Food habits of seven frog species during mating periods were examined from gastric contents and species comparison were conducted. From 1041 frogs, elementary information on their food habits such as species and sizes of prey insects were reported and species difference and sex difference were discussed. Males of Tago's brown frogs (Rana tagoi ) and Shlegel's green tree frogs (Rhacophorus schlegelii ) foraged nothing during mating periods as previous reports, but males of the other five species did. Males of Japanese tree frogs( Hyla japonica) and Japanese stream frogs( Buergeria buergeri) were getting to forage towards the end of their mating periods. Especially, male black spotted pond frogs( Rana nigromaculata ) seemed to prefer larger insect than expected from their environment food resources, foraged well and gained their body weight during mating periods. These species differences seem to be caused mainly from their length of mating periods and their extent of site fidelity in mating periods.
神戸 洋子
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.12, pp.91-98, 2016-03-31

Though picture books of Etz( 1895-1985) have been considered warm and tender, they contain senses of anxieties and grief.Etz's anxieties and grief are related to wars.A boy and animals in In the Forest( 1944) are marching like an army, and he andhis father vanish into the forest as if they are gone. The hollow tree has an ear to spy them. A seal in Oley , the Sea monster( 1947) is like a conscript boy, being totally at aloss in an alienated place. The car in Little Old Automobile( 1948) may be a fugitive soldier. He goes his own way and getsforfeited of girl and barbed-wire fences. Those grief against wars can be related to Etz’ loss experience of her first husbandduring the war.
本村 あずみ 森 貴久
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.12, pp.161-166, 2016

Saihara, which is located in north-western area of Uenohara in Yamanashi Prefecture, is a depopulated area. A traditional Kabuki play had been performed at Ichinomiya Shrine in Saihara for the autumn festival since at latest 1860s until 2001,and ceased to be performed since then. Interviews with 29 people living in Saihara held in 2009-2010 enabled us to collect information on the traditional Kabuki play. What is clarified in this article is as follows: (1) there were 3 types of play: a traditional Kabuki play performed by Saihara people, plays performed by a professional theatre company, and semi-traditional Shimpa plays; (2) during Meiji and Taisho period, most plays were traditional Kabuki plays performed by Saihara people,performance by theatre companies had become popular later, and the traditional kabuki play by Saihara people became popular again after 1980s; and (3) performance of plays for the shrine festival had become a hard task due to a change of life style in Saihara, which seemed to be the most serious cause for the interruption of this traditional local play.
細野 和也 篠原 正典
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.12, pp.107-111, 2016

Blackish cicada Cryptotympana facialis , is one of the most popular cicadas in west Japan. Their distribution is known to be getting wider toward north and east Japan recently. For estimating the current northern and limit, We chose 31 parks with rich environments around the Kanto and southern Tohoku districts, observed their chirps and collected their exuviae. As the results, the distribution ranged north to Toride-shi, Ibaraki prefecture.日本の代表的なセミであるクマゼミ(Cryptotympana facialis )は、近年、その生息域を北や東に広げていることが知られている。本種の現在の北限を評価すべく、関東地方および南東北地方の自然が豊かな31 の公園を選び、その鳴き声の確認および抜け殻の採取を行った。その結果、本種の分布は茨城県取手市までであることがわかった。
三橋 萌樹 下岡 ゆき子
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.11, pp.11-15, 2015-03-31

Crayfish have “gastroliths” in which calcium is deposited transiently during the molt cycle from the cuticle. In red swampcrayfish, amorphous calcium carbonate is embedded in an organic matrix composed mainly of chitin. Thus the seasonalityof molting will strongly affect the number and possession rate of gastroliths in crayfish. In this study, we captured 405 wildred swamp crayfish in May-November 2014 at a small pond and stream in Tsuzuki central park, Yokohama using a net forcapturing crab or a fishing line with dried squid, and analyzed the seasonality of number of gastroliths in their stomach,degree of calcification of the gastrolith in relation with the molting cycle. Among 405 crayfish, only 48 individuals had one ortwo gastroliths, in a biforked stomach. Gastroliths were found only in May-July and October-November, and large gastrolithswere found from the individuals just before and after the molt. We also found one or two chitin matrix from the stomach ofall the individuals who didn’t have gastroliths. Red swamp crayfish are important food item of fish-eating birds such as greatcormorant, and their gastroliths and chitin matrix are found in the birds’ pellets. Here we propose a formula to estimate theintake of crayfish by birds using the number of gastroliths and chitin matrix found in birds’ pellets.
赤川 未里 岩瀬 剛二
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.14, pp.41-46, 2018-03-31

キク科のキッコウハグマは花冠をもち開花して他家受粉を行う開放花と、開花せずに蕾の状態で自家受粉を行う閉鎖花の形態の異なる2種類の花を秋のほぼ同時期につける。東京都八王子市廿里町の多摩森林科学園において、2014 年度~2015 年度の2年間にわたりキッコウハグマの生育過程や2 形の花の形成特性について個体標識を行うことで調べた。キッコウハグマの葉は根生葉状であり、茎を伸ばして花をつけること、茎は5 cm 程度の短いものから35 cm と長いものまで変異が大きいことが明らかになった。開放花のみをつける茎、開放花と閉鎖花の両方をつける茎、および閉鎖花のみの茎の3 種類が見られた。開放花をつけた茎は長さが5 cm~15 cm と比較的短く、一方、それより長い茎には主に閉鎖花が見られた。さらに、開放花と閉鎖花の両方が見られた茎では、開放花は茎の下部に、閉鎖花は上部に位置することが明らかになった。花全体の頭花数においては、開放花は閉鎖花の1 割程度と少数であり、さらに結実の割合も開放花では低く、キッコウハグマはその繁殖の大部分を閉鎖花に依存していると考えられる。