天沼 香 Kaoru Amanuma
東海女子大学紀要 = Bulletin of Tokai Women's University (ISSN:02870525)
vol.7, pp.13-25, 1987-01-01

Dr.Yoshiteru Iwamoto, professor of Yamagata University, critisized my theory on the community (「Kyodo-tai」) in modern and contemporary age (see the detail, Kaoru Amanuma, 'An Introduction to the Community in Modern and Contemporary Age, ' 1977,pp.119-134)in his book, "Yanagida Kunio's Theory on the Community." I recognize the existence of the community (「Fkyodo-tai」) as more than the remain in modern age. But Dr.Iwamoto denied my opinion. So I must critisize his stubborn theory. I am expecting to re-build the community as the ideology and the stronghold for the people to protest against the wicked will of the nation.


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「イデオロギーとしての『共同体』への序論 : 岩本由輝博士の批判に答えながら」(天沼 香)https://t.co/1UeAh0xwvm 結構痛烈な批判で面白い。

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