大森 志郎
vol.10, no.1, pp.A1-A10, 1959-06-30

This study follows my article "Reed-ring Ceremony in Japn" ("Essays and Studies" IX,I.). In ancient Japan, sword was generally considered to take the shape of a serpent. The myth that the "Sacred Sword" was drawn out from the tail of a gigantic serpent called Yamata-no-Orochi seems to be explicable from this point of view. The sword which was used to kill the serpent became the subject of worship in the Iso-No-Kami Shrine. A sacred rite has been performed annually. When a Shintopriest passed through a reed-ring (chinowa) with an unsheathed sword in hand. This rite is a symbolice experssion of killing serpent, and this proves that the origin of the reed-ring ceremony can be found in the mythology of Japan.


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@mi_wisteria @cAUZ6KSHHJnDFTW 横ですが(´・ω・)つソッ…https://t.co/NQJaXqRE10 大森志郎「劒と蛇 : 続・茅の輪行事の起源と意義」 古い論文ですがすぐ読めるので話の種に…既読でしたらすみません。 珂雪さんの論文読みまくりの足しにでも…

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