加藤 春恵子
vol.39, no.2, pp.91-117, 1989-03-10

This essay is written from three points of view-women's study, the theory of communication, and the sociology of social change. It tries to investigate the meaning of discommunication in recent Japanese society, and to offer analytical tools to those who are in search of a deeper understanding of situation and self in the historical context. Table of contents is as follows: I. The Directions and Mechanisms in Social Change 1. The Inevitability of Social Change 2. The directions of Social Change 3. The Patterns of Social Change 4. Society and the Individual in the Process of Social Change 5. The Mechanisms of Social-Individual Change II. Gender Change as a Post-patriarchalization Process 1. Gender 2. Patriarchy 3. Changes in the Gender Role System 4. Changes in the Gender Personality System 5. Types of Processes in Post-patriarchalization III. The 'Patriarchy Complex' and Communication 1. The 'Patriarchy Complex' 2. Multiplying Relationships between Inter-personal and Extra-personal Discommunication 3. Nonverbal Communication and the Double-bind 4. Patriarchic Structure in Inter-personal Communication


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@xL3mUydnoO9wuAw @soft_tractor @peach20211 @uTMCnYabOZcRgWa @k2Bo5rRSaaJaDk5 @Venom76392163 @kyowa2019 @asakurareiya @nkby177 @busokuten @keroro2gunsou @ObLaDiOblako2 @newmakkiki @goldbug15 @schmalkaizen @komakimaco @henry_clay2017 @Sabaandushi @usuoguraizumo @beru_ha_neko2 @REON15768 @Bootstrap999 @hirohir00010018 @onino_huguri @green_hell_ad @Udrtanjirou @terunashi @akm74m792 @YiiMjop68Z4qYwZ @PurplePearl39 @idog38599394 @XLYDchwddUH3aQB @uusyy7 @TexasBronco3 @NaG0PvGhjt3UYIG @TEAR_ACCEL @uraaka_kill @UODFw7BtoUYXub2 @dgDPPAxgCDMYRIF @yamasHirO__kaI3 @jack88912057 @tosikuni_japan @cawaiikumasan @pralinek_ @cherryb03849555 @NyanTan15 @KKnanking https://t.co/8olmLVhQP1 家父長制の変容とコミュニケーションの関連、というと君が言いたいのはこういうことかな?

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