佐藤 誠
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology (ISSN:02877066)
vol.47, pp.83-87, 2006-02-28

Structure of single bubble is classified into six types. Although bubbles are often seen in everyday life, a couple of types, a water droplet drifting on water surface and an anti-bubble, that is water droplet wrapped with air film, are regarded as unfamiliar phenomena. Mechanism of the air film stability is discussed in comparison with soap film stability. This paper presents a possible mechanism that sliding and rotation of a water droplet stabilize floating droplet and anti-bubble with preventing air films from losing their thickness. Transpoting air by capillary wave on the droplet surface is also a candidate of the stabilization mechanism. Step-by-step decrease of diameter in collapse of a droplet is explained by the concept of capillary wave.


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