岸本 俊祐
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology (ISSN:02877066)
vol.30, pp.43-48, 1992-10-30

パソコン通信等で、自由に手に入れることのできる“フリーソフトウェア”という形態のソフトウェアを用いて、パソコン実習の導入部分を教育するためのソフトウェアシステムを構築した。タイピングの練習、日本語を 含むテキスト処理の実習、簡単なファイルやディレクトリ操作の実習等が行える。このシステムを用いて、本校の情報工学科と電気工学科の1年生に導入実習を実施した。まだ、実習途中の中間段階ながらかなりの成果が見られ、ほとんど無償のフリーソフトウェアを中心にまとめたシステムでも、教材として有効であり十分実用になることがわかった。
岸本 俊祐
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology (ISSN:02877066)
vol.32, pp.59-64, 1993-10-30

A software system to study C-programming was assembled for beginners. It consists of several Free-Softwares that are a screen text editor, a full set of C-compiler, an object file linker and some utility programs. The compiler system conforms to the new standard, known as ANCI C. The dos-shell is modified functionally for the users to operate this system easily. To help the users operation in the training, this system provides many online manuals and an online help file which can be read directly on the CRT display. This system is also useful for developing applications in the C programming language.
川部 健 近藤 芳朗
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology (ISSN:02877066)
vol.41, pp.25-33, 2000-01-04

Fibonacci series and related ones to this can be found in various interesting creations of the natural and the art worlds. The properties of the series are reviewed, and similar behaviors to those in the complex dynamical system are also introduced where the period adding rule, the winding number sequence and others of the Mandelbrot sets exhibit.
佐藤 誠
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology (ISSN:02877066)
vol.47, pp.83-87, 2006-02-28

Structure of single bubble is classified into six types. Although bubbles are often seen in everyday life, a couple of types, a water droplet drifting on water surface and an anti-bubble, that is water droplet wrapped with air film, are regarded as unfamiliar phenomena. Mechanism of the air film stability is discussed in comparison with soap film stability. This paper presents a possible mechanism that sliding and rotation of a water droplet stabilize floating droplet and anti-bubble with preventing air films from losing their thickness. Transpoting air by capillary wave on the droplet surface is also a candidate of the stabilization mechanism. Step-by-step decrease of diameter in collapse of a droplet is explained by the concept of capillary wave.
薮木 登 中山 秀延 西原 貴大 鷲見 育亮 築谷 隆雄
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College (ISSN:02877066)
no.57, pp.25-32, 2016-03-25

We propose an eye-gaze control system using multiple network cameras to reduce the burden of users. The proposed eye-gaze system is a remote control system that allows the users to control appliances by gazing at the electrical appliances. The proposed system is composed of a block of Face Detector, Camera Controller, Eye-gaze Detector and Remote Controller. And the proposed system was added methods of a face judgment and a new eye-gaze detection. Therefore, it can be freely installed using the method in which multiple network cameras have been proposed. The operation of the proposed system was confirmed by some experiments.
菊地 洋右
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College (ISSN:02877066)
vol.61, pp.17-24, 2020-03-30

We propose a mathematical model of criminal action. This paper deals with mathematical modeling of action of murder cases. Our model seems to be reasonable since our verification, and needs to improve for some murder cases.