岸本 俊祐
National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
津山工業高等専門学校紀要 = Bulletin of Tsuyama National College of Technology (ISSN:02877066)
vol.32, pp.59-64, 1993-10-30

A software system to study C-programming was assembled for beginners. It consists of several Free-Softwares that are a screen text editor, a full set of C-compiler, an object file linker and some utility programs. The compiler system conforms to the new standard, known as ANCI C. The dos-shell is modified functionally for the users to operate this system easily. To help the users operation in the training, this system provides many online manuals and an online help file which can be read directly on the CRT display. This system is also useful for developing applications in the C programming language.


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