アンダーウッド ウィリアム
久留米工業大学研究報告 (ISSN:03896897)
vol.22, pp.123-131, 1998-12-20

This article employs a case study approach in describing the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, U.S. congressional legislation which granted a national apology and $20,000 to each ethnic Japanese incarcerated by the federal government during World War II. It is concluded that the "John Kingdon model" of the legislative policy making process provides an effective academic framework for exploring the interaction of Congress, the JACL national interest group, and grass-roots activists in Sacramento, California. Primary sources of data consisted of interviews representing congressional, national interest group, and grass-roots activist perspectives. U.S. government documents also were utilized. The article examines the development of the Japanese American Redress Movement at both the national and Sacramento levels.
中村 本勝 市川 孝夫 小林 正憲
久留米工業大学研究報告 (ISSN:03896897)
vol.22, pp.107-112, 1998-12-20

As a sport for people of advanced age, gateball is declining in popularity. The major causes are mental stress resulting from athletic competition and physical illness affecting the sport's elderly participants. Gateball's decline has intensified due to the growing popularity of sports like ground golf. This has led to the weakening of gateball teams because there are not enough players to take part in games. Furthermore, the lack of newcomers has resulted in an insufficient number of people engaged in team management. Regarding the causes of mental stress, gateball rules mandate severe penalties in the event of an "outside release" or "out-of-bounds" play. This peculiar rule produces high stress among beginning players. Among the elderly members of gateball clubs, in addition, qualified individuals are granted a high social position or ranking. This is a major source of stress, as it promotes resistance to scolding or pressure from a team coach or manager. Such factors produce a sense of incongruity for gateball and there are many cases in which low player participation has been caused. For these reasons, it is difficult for talented persons to become involved in gateball management. The writer thinks that the following things will be necessary for a comeback or revival in gateball's popularity. Demonstrations of activity and support for all team members will be needed to give returning participants a sense of vitality. Then if the gateball player population increases, team formation will become strengthened by degrees. For this to be accomplished, the cooperation of concerned persons in cities, towns and villages is indispensable. The writer considers gateball to be an important matter for the aging society.
山崎 清巳
久留米工業大学研究報告 (ISSN:03896897)
vol.21, pp.71-75, 1997-12-20

This paper will investigate whether or not the important English terminologies of "species" and "genus" are translated correctly into Japanese. If we don't possess proper Japanese words for these terminologies, then our Japanese-language contributions to related fields will remain severely limited. "Species" and "genus" are very important terminologies in the fields of philosophy and logic. "Species" is included within "genus" according to Aristotlian logic. "Species" comes from "eidos" and "genus" from "genos" of ancient Greek. "Eidos" has "to see" and "genos" has "born and to produce" as etymological meanings. "Eidos" is fitted to "SHU (種)" and "genos" to "RUI (類)" in Japanese. But "SHU" means "seed"; "RUI" means "similar and hard to distinguish between". Therefore, "genos" should be fitted to "ZOKU (属)" in Japanese, because "ZOKU" means "born and blood relation". If we refit "eidos" to "RUI" and "genos" to "ZOKU", then many problems are overcome. For example, "RUI" and "ZOKU" become the verbs "RUIsuru" and "ZOKUsuru", respectively, while "the human species" closely corresponds to "JIN-RUI" etc. And we can find many cases in which "eidos" better corresponds with "RUI" and "genos" with "ZOKU". If we refit "SHU" to "RUI" and "RUI" to "ZOKU", then we can more easily understand "Categories" and "Metaphysics" by Aristotle, or Japanese books such as "ZO WA HANA GA NAGAI" by Mikami, A.
Underwood William J.
久留米工業大学研究報告 (ISSN:03896897)
vol.24, pp.41-50, 2000-12-20

Thanks to ever-improving streaming technology for online audio and video, any Internet-equipped personal computer now represents a "personal language laboratory." This paper offers an overview of current events-oriented websites suitable for learners of English that provide both streaming audio broadcasting and corresponding transcripts. Foremost among these Internet sites is the Voice of America (VOA) Special English news program, read at a slower speed using a limited vocabulary that is also available online. The BBC World Service site also features audio and text scripts, along with English vocabulary glosses, for a smaller number of stories. A CNN-related educational website provides questions for checking comprehension of news reports, which are accessible in either audio or video formats. The Daily Yomiuri newspaper maintains streaming audio files with online quizzes designed specifically for TOEIC test-takers. Other audio-with-text websites useful for students, involving content such as popular science and daily conversational situations, are surveyed more briefly. Strengths and weaknesses are discussed. After considering general aspects of the ESL listening process, the paper then describes specific classroom applications of these Internet-generated authentic materials in terms of pre-listening, listening, and post-listening activities. The ultimate aim of this approach is to demonstrate to students how they can empower themselves as autonomous, self-paced, lifelong learners of English by means of their own "personal language labs." An appendix lists URLs relevant for educators exploring the diverse classroom uses of streaming multimedia, as well as for individual students accessing real-world news content from home.