Hashimoto Yukio
The American Physical Society
Physical review C (ISSN:05562813)
vol.88, no.3, pp.034307, 2013-09
21 2

A new numerical method of calculating the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) and time-dependent HFB (TDHFB) with the Gogny interaction is proposed. The three-dimensional harmonic-oscillator (3DHO) basis functions are replaced by one-dimensional spatial grid points of Lagrange mesh plus two-dimensional harmonic-oscillator basis functions in the perpendicular plane to the direction of the spatial grid points [Lagrange mesh and harmonic oscillator (LMHO)]. By using the LMHO, the calculations of the HFB and TDHFB are carried out in the typical nuclei of 20O and 34Mg as an illustration of the feasibility of the TDHFB formulation with the LMHO. The strength functions of the quadrupole vibrations (K=0) are obtained and are compared with the ones calculated with the 3DHO.
Shinohara Satoshi Ohta Hirofumi Nakatsukasa Takashi Yabana Kazuhiro
American Physical Society
Physical review C (ISSN:05562813)
vol.74, pp.054315, 2006-11
17 8

We propose a new theoretical approach to ground and low-energy excited states of nuclei extending the nuclear mean-field theory. It consists of three steps: stochastic preparation of many Slater determinants, the parity and angular-momentum projection, and diagonalization of the generalized eigenvalue problems. The Slater determinants are constructed in the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate representation capable of describing arbitrary shape of nuclei. We examine feasibility and usefulness of the method by applying the method with the Bonche-Koonin-Negele interaction to light 4N nuclei, 12C, 16O, and 20Ne. We discuss difficulties of keeping linear independence for basis states projected on good parity and angular momentum and present a possible prescription.