Kuroda Noritaka Sakai Masamichi Nishina Yuichiro Tanaka Masatoshi Kurita Susumu クロダ ノリタカ サカイ マサミチ ニシナ ユウイチロウ タナカ マサトシ クリタ ススム 黒田 規敬 酒井 政道 仁科 雄一郎 田中 正俊 栗田 進
The American Physical Society
Physical Review Letters (ISSN:00319007)
vol.58, no.20, pp.2122-2125, 1987-05-18
3 104

A midgap absorption band is observed in the quasi one-dimensional semiconductor [Pt(en)2]-[Pt(en)2Cl2](ClO4)4 under hydrostatic pressures at room temperature, where en is ethylenediamine. The transition is allowed only for the polarization parallel to the -Cl-PtII-Cl-PtIV- chain. The peak position remains near the middle of the Peierls gap at any pressure up to 2.2 GPa. The intensity increases exponentially with the peak shift. The gap states responsible for this band are attributed to soliton excitations corresponding to kinks of the charge-density wave.顕著な一次元物性を示すことで注目を集めている擬一次元白金錯体[Pt(en)2][Pt(en)2Cl2](ClO4)4の結晶について光吸収スペクトルを静水圧下で測定した結果、パイエルスギャップのほぼ中間に対応する近赤外波長位置に、加圧と共に成長する一つの吸収帯が発見された。パイエルスギャップ自体は移動積分の増大のために圧力によって減少するが、新しい吸収帯も低エネルギー側にシフトし、かつシフト量はパイエルスギャップの減少分のほぼ二分の一に等しい。この結果に基づいて、新しい吸収帯は擬一次元結合上に生成した電子ソリトンによるものとの解釈を提案し、静水圧という手段で物理的に制御できた初めてのソリトンであることを論述した。
Hashimoto Yukio
The American Physical Society
Physical review C (ISSN:05562813)
vol.88, no.3, pp.034307, 2013-09
21 2

A new numerical method of calculating the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) and time-dependent HFB (TDHFB) with the Gogny interaction is proposed. The three-dimensional harmonic-oscillator (3DHO) basis functions are replaced by one-dimensional spatial grid points of Lagrange mesh plus two-dimensional harmonic-oscillator basis functions in the perpendicular plane to the direction of the spatial grid points [Lagrange mesh and harmonic oscillator (LMHO)]. By using the LMHO, the calculations of the HFB and TDHFB are carried out in the typical nuclei of 20O and 34Mg as an illustration of the feasibility of the TDHFB formulation with the LMHO. The strength functions of the quadrupole vibrations (K=0) are obtained and are compared with the ones calculated with the 3DHO.
Mizuno Hideyuki Yamamoto Ryoichi
The American Physical Society
Physical Review E (ISSN:15393755)
vol.82, no.3, 2010-09

We numerically examine dynamical heterogeneity in a highly supercooled three-dimensional liquid via molecular-dynamics simulations. To define the local dynamics, we consider two time intervals: τα and τngp. τα is the α relaxation time, and τngp is the time at which non-Gaussian parameter of the Van Hove self-correlation function is maximized. We determine the lifetimes of the heterogeneous dynamics in these two different time intervals, τhetero(τα) and τhetero(τngp), by calculating the time correlation function of the particle dynamics, i.e., the four-point correlation function. We find that the difference between τhetero(τα) and τhetero(τngp) increases with decreasing temperature. At low temperatures, τhetero(τα) is considerably larger than τα, while τhetero(τngp) remains comparable to τα. Thus, the lifetime of the heterogeneous dynamics depends strongly on the time interval.
Itami T. Munejiri S. Masaki T. Aoki H. Ishii Y. Kamiyama T. Senda Yasuhiro
The American Physical Society
Physical Review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.67, no.6, 2003-02-01

金沢大学理学部The structure of liquid Sn was studied by neutron scattering experiments in the widest temperature range that was ever performed. Though, on increasing temperature, the existence of the shoulder in the structure factor, S(Q), becomes less clear in the change of the overall shape of the S(Q), the structure related to this shoulder seems to be present even at 1873 K. The first-principle molecular-dynamics ~FPMD! simulation was performed for the first time for liquid Sn by using the cell size of 64 particles. The calculated results well reproduced S(Q) obtained by the neutron experiments. The angle distribution, g(3)(u ,rc), was evaluated for the angle between vectors from centered atom to other two atoms in spheres of cutoff radii rc's. The g(3)(u ,rc) shows that, with the decrease of rc from 0.4 to 0.3 nm, a rather sharp peak around 60 ° disappears and only a broad peak around 100 ° remains; the former peak may be derived from the feature of the closely packed structures and the latter one is close to the tetrahedral angle of 109 °. In addition, the coordination number, n, of liquid Sn counted within the sphere of rc50.3 nm is found to be 2–3 and does not change with the increase of temperature even up to 1873 K. These facts indicate that at least the fragment of the tetrahedral unit may be essentially kept even at 1873 K for liquid Sn. For comparison, the FPMD simulation was performed for the first time also for liquid Pb. No sign of the existence of the tetrahedral structure was observed for liquid Pb. Unfortunately, the self-diffusion coefficients, D's, obtained from this FPMD for liquid Sn do not agree with those obtained by the microgravity experiments though the structure factors, S(Q)'s, are well reproduced. To remove the limitation of the small cell size of the FPMD, the classical molecular-dynamics simulations with a cell size of 2197 particles were performed by incorporating the present experimental structural information of liquid Sn. Obtained D's are in good agreement with the microgravity data.
Wang Xiaowei Chini Michael Cheng Yan Wu Yi Tong Xiao-Min Chang Zenghu
The American Physical Society
Physical review A (ISSN:10502947)
vol.87, no.6, pp.063413, 2013-06
49 7

The dynamics of an atom in a strong infrared laser field (1013 W/cm2) result in substantial changes to the field-free electronic energy levels, which can be probed on time scales shorter than the laser cycle using isolated attosecond pulses. Here, we measure the transient absorption of an isolated attosecond pulse by laser-dressed bound states of neon near the first ionization threshold. The observed subcycle changes in the absorption spectrum result from both laser-induced ac Stark shifts and from quantum interferences between different multiphoton excitation pathways. We further demonstrate the ability to experimentally turn off the quantum interference mechanism by eliminating one of the interfering pathways.
Tomimoto Shinichi Nozawa Shinsuke Terai Yoshikazu Kuroda Shinji Takita Kôki Masumoto Yasuaki
The American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.81, no.12, pp.125313, 2010-03

We have studied the spin dynamics of confined electrons in an ultrathin CdTe/ZnTe quantum well andself-assembled quantum dots by time-resolved Kerr-rotation technique. The dependence of the spin-precessionfrequency on the magnetic field direction shows the anisotropy of the g-factor tensor, which is the opposite ofthe usual quantum wells with moderate widths. The geometrical anisotropy of the confinement also affects theinitial orientation of the electron spins created optically, as revealed clearly with the use of oblique-incidencepump pulses.
Jin Ying-Jun Tong Xiao-Min Toshima Nobuyuki
The American Physical Society
Physical review A (ISSN:10502947)
vol.86, no.5, pp.053418, 2012-11
6 1

We studied the high-harmonic generation of H2+ ions in an intense laser field by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in prolate spheroidal coordinates. By analyzing the power spectra of the harmonics with the electric field polarized along the molecular axis, we found that the yield of the third-order harmonic drops by several orders of magnitude at a specified aligned angle between the laser polarization direction and the molecular axis. The laser polarization angle of the minimum depends on the internuclear distance and it disappears both in the separated- and united-atom limits. This infers that the minimum is associated with the molecular symmetry. By decomposing individual contributions of the σ and π states, we identified that the minimum is attributed to the cancellation of the induced dipole moments of the σ and π states, like a dynamical Cooper minimum, but the position of the minimum can be tuned by the laser intensity for a given internuclear distance.