小林 大州介
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.37, pp.203-212, 2015 (Released:2016-03-25)

From the late eighteenth through the nineteenth century, the concept of ‘evolutionism’ had prevailed among social scientists in many fields, such as sociology, philosophy, history, economics, anthropology, ethnology and archaeology, as a framework of their research. One of the origins of this idea was the belief in ‘progress’ that characterized eighteenth century’s enlightenment thought. The evolutionists assumed that society, economy and culture progressed through a sequence of deterministic developmental stages, and always toward a completion of civilization. However, in the late nineteenth century, many objections to this notion of evolutionism emerged within the above academic fields, mainly in history and ethnology. Historians and ethnologists pointed out that evolutionism failed to offer an appropriate explanation for the complex and non-deterministic character of the historical process. Moreover, innovation theories, which came into existence in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, largely rejected the idea of progress and evolutionism. In the present paper, the author argues that early innovation theorists, such as Gabriel Tarde and Joseph A. Schumpeter attempted to offer more general theories than the development stages theory, and to transcend the out-of-date ideas of the evolutionists.
岩澤 誠一郎
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.37, pp.62-75, 2015 (Released:2016-03-25)

Traditional neoclassical economics analyzes economic outcomes assuming that agents rationally maximize their self-interests. On the other hand, economic sociology emphasizes that superstructure such as religious beliefs, or social structure such as weak ties, could well affect economic outcomes via agents’ preferences and choice sets, and warns against the negligence of social factors in traditional economics. This paper proposes a new line of economic sociology research that incorporates recent developments of cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Following Kahneman (2003, 2011), the paper distinguishes two modes of thinking and deciding: “System 1” and “System 2,” which roughly correspond to “emotion and intuition” and “reasoning.” While traditional neoclassical economics theorizes economic transactions assuming only System 2 and ignoring System 1, behavioral economics emphasizes that actual economic decisions are substantially influenced by System 1. Current mainstream behavioral economic research, however, rarely goes beyond this, and suggests that only System 2, as opposed to System 1, should be fully utilized in a rational economic decision making. This is at odds with the recent findings of neuroscience that social cognition, which mainly consists of System 1, is the basis of many socially desirable empirical facts including the one that quantity of public goods’ supply is much greater than what is predicted by traditional economic theory. The paper proposes a new sub-field of economic sociology, which can be called “behavioral economic sociology” that analyzes social factors influencing economic outcomes by way of System 1. The paper develops this idea by examining recent organizational psychology researches called “positive organizational scholarship.”
山岡 淳
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.37, pp.94-103, 2015 (Released:2016-03-25)

Introduction Transportation time by ambulance is one of the important factor of evaluating emergency medical service. But, the previous researches about the relation of transportation time and socioeconomically condition by district is insufficient. Objectives We estimate an average transportation time and a ratio of daytime to nighttime in a transportation time in each district using various district socioeconomically indicators as independent variables. Method The dataset includes 3,538,275(71.9%) emergency patients who used emergency transportation by ambulance in 2011 and 587 districts. The independent variables for each district included a geographical component variable (population density and so on), ratio of transportation to another district, ratio of public hospital to emergency hospital, ratio of emergency patients to population, population aging rate and traffic congestion. We estimate two indicator by these independent variables for OLS. Result For the estimated transportation time (Adj.R-Squared = 0.294 P<.001), ratio of transportation to another district (P<.01), population aging rate (P<.01) and traffic congestion (P<.001) showed positive correlations. Geographical component variable (P<.001) and ratio of public hospital (P<.001) showed negative correlations. For the estimated a ratio of daytime to nighttime in a transportation time (Adj.R-Squared = 0.308 P<.001), geographical component variable (P<.001), ratio of transportation to another district (P<.001) and traffic congestion (P<.1) showed positive correlations, while ratio of public hospital (P<.01) showed negative correlations. Conclusions The result shows that a transportation time is longer in rural than urban and a ratio of daytime to nighttime in a transportation time is higher in ur ban than rural. These are the geographic subjects in emergency medical system. And, a transportation time and a ratio of daytime to nighttime are more influenced supply side factor rather than demand side. To solve the subjects, supply of emergency medical for elderly people is needed, because elderly people who is one of a cause of the subjects is increasing year by year in Japan.
吉井 哲
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.37, pp.104-114, 2015 (Released:2016-03-25)

Ricardo (1817) classifies goods into scarce goods and produced goods, and thinks that the laws of supply and demand regulate the price of scarce goods and that the labor embodied value theory regulates the price of produced goods. He puts importance on a production cost principle because produced goods are more important economically. However, Ricardo in Notes on Malthus’s principles of Political Economy (1820) approves Malthus’s assertion that the laws of supply and demand are the principle governing whole pricing even if it is the natural price. How should we consider this fact? The natural price is regulated by the production cost at the level of supply that is equal to the quantity of effective demand. Ricardo postulates a diminishing return in an agricultural sector, and an increasing return in an industrial sector. Therefore, a producer cannot determine a production cost per unit until the quantity of production is not determined. So, a producer has to grasp the effective demand in a market. That is to say, there is a strong relationship between an effective demand and the quantity of supply before the determination of a production cost. For Ricardo, "the laws of supply and demand" are not an opponent concept to a production cost principle, but rather a necessary concept for a production cost principle to have validity to the reality. Such a classical pricing method is similar to a market base pricing (target costing) that a present-day manufacturing adopts.
廣瀬 毅士
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.38, pp.123-132, 2016

China has been shifting themselves to be more &ldquo;Consumer Society&rdquo; in recent years and the trend is more remarkable in metropolitan areas. Social changes along with the rapid economic development in China bring about negative effect of wider economic disparity. This paper sorted out the ascribed factors and social class factors that would be explanatory variable to socio-economic status attainment in Shanghai as the most advanced city in China, obtained data by survey research to individuals in downtown Shanghai, and performed statistical analysis. Results shows there were significant income differences depending on the following categories: 1. Educational background. People with college/graduate school degree have significantly higher income than people without it. 2. Occupational status. White colors and technical specialists have significantly higher income than sales/service person. 3. Employee destination type: People work at foreign owned companies or companies owned by Hon Kong, Macau or Taiwan has significantly higher income than people work at state-owned enterprise, collective-owned enterprise, or self-owned business. On the other hand, we did not find significant differences between people with Shanghai hukou (household registration) or not. We had the similar results from people with either urban hukou or rural hukou.