蔵本 信比古
室蘭工業大学紀要 (ISSN:13442708)
vol.55, pp.43-49, 2005-11-30

This study is aimed to investigate the states of "Hikikomori" (social withdrawal) in its three periods : a)earliest one year which had started "Hikikomori", c)recent one year and b)other years which is between both period. 32 families were asked concerning their own sons or daughters of "Hikikomori" by open-ended questions, and answered 345 items on the states of "Hikikomori". 78 positive items were sorted out from these 345 items , and there were 55 positive items in c)recent one year. It suggested that some recovering processes could be found from the current state of "Hikikomori". Communication programs to recover from the states of "Hikikomori" are discussed.投稿論文
蓮井 洋志
室蘭工業大学紀要 (ISSN:13442708)
vol.50, pp.167-174, 2000-11-30

I have studied the tf.idf method as the automatic extraction of abstract in order to assist in retrieving the document database. I defined sentence importance as the sum of the word importance of tf.idf value, and the system extracted the several sentences which are the most important. In this paper, I propose the extended tf.idf method in order to get more comprehending abstract. It is the method which adds three ideas to the tf.idf method, the case weight, the eliminataion of demonstrative words and the conjunctions, and the decision of the region for the extraction. Result of the experiment shows that the abstract of the extended method is more comprehensible than one of the tf.idf method.投稿論文