Hashimoto Yukio
The European physical journal. A (ISSN:14346001)
vol.48, no.5, pp.55, 2012
38 12

A numerical method to integrate the time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (TDHFB) equations with Gogny interaction is proposed. The feasibility of the TDHFB code is illustrated by the conservation of the energy, particle numbers, and center of mass in the small amplitude vibrations of 20O . The TDHFB code is applied to the isoscalar quadrupole and/or isovector dipole vibrations in the linear (small amplitude) region in oxygen isotopes, 18, 20, 22, 24O , titanium isotopes, 44, 50, 52, 54Ti , neon isotope, 26Ne , and magnesium isotopes, 24, 34Mg . The isoscalar quadrupole and isovector dipole strength functions are calculated from the expectation values of the isoscalar quadrupole and isovector dipole moments.