武藤 那賀子
学習院大学国際センター研究年報 = The annual bulletin of the International Centre, Gakushuin University (ISSN:24347469)
no.5, pp.1-25, 2019

Gakushuin University holds a volume of the "Suma" chapter from the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) which was copied in the early Edo period, and whose binding is the origami tetsuyousou. It must be noted that the volume was previously owned by the Sanjonishi family, since this type of binding was generally seen in the libraries of renga poets. Moreover, the volume is precious because of its especially small size (13.6 cm long and 9.8 cm wide) and the temporary binding thread. It is also significant that the relationship between the Sanjonishi family and the Koga family can be inferred from a note by "the maid of the Nyudo Koga"( 入道久我殿女房) on the end paper of the back cover. Therefore, this study includes a reprint of the text and the notes in this volume and evaluates it by comparison with the volume of the same chapter held by Nihon University and which also belonged to the Sanjonishi family.