赤池 慎吾
東京大学農学部演習林報告 (ISSN:03716007)
vol.121, pp.173-208, 2009-06-20 (Released:2012-07-17)

官地民木とは,国が土地を所有し,住民がそこに生立する立木を所有する形態の森林であり,制度上は国有林に区分される。官地民木は,わが国の林政史において極めて希な形態であり,その大部分は青森県津軽地方に偏在している。本論文は,資料に基づいて,官地民木の歴史的展開を整理し,その成立要因及び国有林管理経営における取り扱いを明らかにした。官地民木の成立は,藩有地に住民が自費で植栽・保護管理してきた林野を,明治初期の官民有区分に際して土地所有権は官有地に編入し,使用収益権は立木所有権として住民が継承したことに始まる。官地民木の形態が青森県津軽地方に偏在し,その後も制度として存続した要因として,藩と住民との間に分収契約が結ばれておらず政府は部分林として処理できなかったこと,青森県下における官民有区分の査定基準は極めて厳格であり,その後も官林直轄が早期に実施されたことで地方庁主管による官有地の民有移譲が行われなかったこと,が挙げられる。官地民木は,森林法制定以前においては旧藩時代の林野制度を基準とし,制定以後にあっては保安林編入の有無を基準として有償貸付・無償貸付の区分がなされており,このことは林野の有する公益性が国有林管理経営における官地民木の取り扱い区分の決定要因となったといえよう。 Kanchiminboku was a system of mixed ownership forest, whereby the forestland was owned by the state, while the stumpage on the land was owned by the village or local residents. This unique combination of national and private ownership was created in the Tsugaru area of Aomori prefecture in Northern Japan, but the existence of such an ownership system within National Forest management was extremely rare in Japanese forestry. This paper aims to determine the reasons why Kanchiminboku was established in the Tsugaru area, and to explain the stumpage rights under National Forest management. The establishment of Kanchiminboku began after the Meiji Restoration in 1876 when landownership rights and use rights were conferred on forests which residents had traditionally planted and cultivated at their own expense. The main reasons why the Kanchiminboku system emerged here and not elsewhere were the lack of any profitsharing contracts between the Hirosaki fief and local residents, the stringent division of national and private land in Aomori prefecture, and the fact that Kanchiminboku was established soon after the designation of the National Forest thus precluding further negotiations. The fiefdom forest system which had been in operation prior to the establishment of the Forest Law in 1897 was replaced by a rent payment system dependent on the presence of protective forest. Thus public benefit in National Forest management can be seen as the deciding factor in the establishment of Kanchiminboku.


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