鈴木 則子 鈴木 則子
人間文化総合科学研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.36, pp.49-61, 2021-03-31

This paper rewrites the entire text of the funny Nagauta "Shiniyuki Mikka Korori Aiaishishi" into modern characters and analyzes it. This book was published in 1858, the year when cholera was prevalent. Until now, historical research on cholera in the Edo period has mainly been based on medical historical materials or local diary historical materials. Therefore, I analyze the literary work of the Edo period, funny Nagauta, as a historical material, and clarify how people at that time experienced the plague, especially from the aspect of their communality. There are many incidents that people are said to have experienced in common, even for things that seem absurd to modern people. The cholera experience of the people of Edo, including the incidents that seemed to be fake news.
早川 華代
人間文化総合科学研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.36, pp.84-74, 2021-03-31

Gukansho (Jottings of a Fool) by Jien regards the Hogen Disturbance as the beginning of 'the age of warriors'. After that, it is common knowledge that the power of Sekkanke (the family which produced regents and chief advisers to the Emperor) was so weakened that it was divided into three branches, the Konoe, the Matsudono and the Kujo. This report describes the origin and history of Mumyozoshi, the oldest critique of literature in Japan. It is a classic work dating back to the early Kamakura Period, whose author is estimated by many specialists, even though they have no certain proofs, to be Shunzeikyo no Musume, who was known as a waka poet. The critique had a deep relation with the Kujo family. Yoshitsune Kujo appeared in it, above all, as the leader of poetry circles. It is said that a manuscript was dedicated to Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture). We can't imagine it nowadays but the shrine was also worshipped as the god of waka poetry scince the Heian era. The Kujo family believed in God of Sumiyoshi to improve themselves in Waka and to prosper their family. Taking this fact into account, we attempt to analyze problems of Mumyozoshi from the viewpoint of their belief in Sumiyoshi.
伊藤 美奈子 伊藤 美奈子 栗本 美百合 白水 倫生
人間文化総合科学研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.36, pp.25-37, 2021-03-31

The disruptions in the educational environment caused by Covid-19 have had a signifi cant impact on universities. In May of 2020, in the midst of the ongoing ban on university campuses, we conducted a survey of enrolled university and graduate students in order to understand their situation and to contribute to their future support. The content of the survey included 12 items asking about physical and mental stress, and 10 items on attitudes toward university life, such as asking them "What is worrying or troubling you now?". The results showed that the new students were more anxious about university life and preferred face-to-face classes to distance learning than other grades. In addition, a comparison of living arrangements revealed that students who live alone were more stressed mentally and physically than students living at home or in a dormitory. It was also suggested that there was a diff erence in attitudes toward the university and stress levels depending on the object of concern. In the future, support and assistance to students and graduate students based on these results will be required.