根本 賢二 海保 享代 伊藤 挙 吉岡 耕一 牧 亮
体育・スポーツ科学研究 = Kokushikan society of sport science (ISSN:18809316)
vol.15, pp.63-73, 2015-03-01

Objective This study investigated the efficacy, durability and possible adverse effects of passive legraising( PLR) by examining the entire course of cardiovascular responses to PLR. Methods/results Continuous measurements of cardiovascular parameters were performed on eight healthy subjects, using a non-invasive finger blood pressure measurement system during PLR. Blood pressure significantly increased during PLR at each angle of raise:20°, 30°, and 40°.This blood pressure increase was found to be mainly due to an increase in stroke volume, which remained almost constant until the end of the 10 minutes of PLR. No significant differences in values of cardiovascular parameters were found between the different raise angles. Transient changes in cardiovascular parameters occurred when legs were returned to the horizontal position, including considerable transient falls of stroke volume and total peripheral vascular resistance. In patients with deteriorated cardiovascular functions, this might cause a severe transient fall of blood pressure triggering cerebral ischemic attack. Conclusion PLR increased blood pressure mainly due to an increase in stroke volume. The raise angle of 20°was sufficient to produce this PLR effect.
高橋 直矢 岡田 雅次 内藤 祐子
体育・スポーツ科学研究 = Kokushikan society of sport science (ISSN:18809316)
vol.15, pp.31-37, 2015-03-01

The present study used the Diagnostic Inventory of Psychological Competitive Ability for Athletes(DIPCA.3)to compare and investigate the psychological competitiveness of college track and field athletes. The investigation focused on differences in national competition experience and total number of years of experience, and whether athletes had a warm-up routine.The following points were discovered as a result:1) High-level athletes who had participated in national competitions exhibited a significantly higher score than other players on two items(confidence and decisiveness).Athletes with long experience(10 years or more)exhibited significantly higher scores in terms of patience, self control, predictive ability, judgment, mental stability, and strategic ability than other athletes who had less experience.2) No difference was found in psychological competitiveness between athletes based on whether they had a routine.These results suggest that routine does not have the effect of improving competitive ability.