森山 廣芽
信州大学教養部紀要. 第二部, 自然科学
vol.11, pp.77-89, 1977-03-10

What direction should amateurism in sports take? The past amateurism has been undergoing a great transfiguration and is not applicable to the present situation in which sports are increasingly nationalized and popularized. And yet an attempt should be made on a nationwide scale to improve our physique as well as moral character, on which amateur sportsmanship is founded. In the course of this endeavour, a certain type of amateur sports quite unique to our country, supported by a vast public, will spread among our people, and in turn, contribute to intensifying the physical competence of athletes. We must promote hereafter the so-called "community sports," which are purrsued by the whole nation, for true amateurism will spring from nothing but this type of sports.