佐々木 享 Sasaki Susumu
名古屋大学教育学部紀要. 教育学科 (ISSN:04657748)
no.24, pp.77-86, 1978-03-25

In Japan, before World War II only middle school was recognized as the secondary school legally, and other schools-senior course of primary school, many kinds of practical schools such as technical school, commercial school, agricultural school, were never recognized as the secondary school. After World War II as the result of educational reformation the new school system was established. There the secondary school consists of two parts, the junior high school that is compulsory education and the senior high school. The senior high school unified many kinds of secondary grade schools above mentioned, and abolished the differentiations among these schools. According to the new School Act, the senior high school system is regarded as the school should provide both general and vocational education. There, an new integrated form of education-fundamental courses with a certain specialized courses attached-should be provided. Generally in those schools, however, provided general course and vocational or other specialized course separately. The curriculum of all vocational or other specialized courses had both the subjects of general education and some vocational or specialized subjects. But the curriculum of general course very often has not any vocational or other specialized subjects, and this course is as preparatory course for higher education as the middle schools were. Tlis is one of the most important problems about the school system in these days.