小倉 嘉夫 倉恒 康一 中司 健一 長村 祥知 西田 友広 目次 謙一
大阪青山大学紀要 = Journal of Osaka Aoyama University (ISSN:18833543)
no.11, pp.19-40, 2019-03-31

In this paper, we introduce the Documents of the Yoshimi Family in the Collection of Osaka Aoyama Museum of History and Literature. The Yoshimi Family ruled Tsuwano, Iwami Province, on the Japan Sea coast, in medieval Japan. We reproduced 49 documents of the Yoshimi Family and one related document.
長岡 壽男
大阪青山大学紀要 = Journal of Osaka Aoyama University (ISSN:18833543)
vol.10, pp.23-46, 2018-03-31

In this paper, the author discusses development processes of popular music (including foreign numbers) in Japan over the period of nearly one century after the end of Meiji Era. He tried to include in his study materials as many songs as possible, which represent respective periods of time.During the Pacifi c War, the style of popular music in Japan was severely restricted under militarism. Therefore,the political environment entirely changed from the prewar days. As a result, popular music in Japan has also completely changed. People can fully enjoy all kinds of popular music now.He makes clear that, in the history of popular music, there are relationships closely influenced by political environment, economic fluctuation, internationalization, change in people’s interest, and progress in the media world of the time.