早川 洋行
滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 人文科学・社会科学・教育科学 (ISSN:05830044)
no.45, pp.37-46, 1995

This paper is a study on "rumors of rats in Thai rice" in Japan. These rumors circulated in Japan in March, 1994. I have published two papers on theories of modern rumors. This paper is based on those theories. In thispaper I discuss the conditions and socio-psychological background in which the rumors occurred, what the functions of the rumors were and the relation between the rumors and the modern journalism in Japan. I pointed out that there were three conditions (objective, subjective and social)at that time which persuaded the people that the rumors were fact. There rumors were urban rumors, rumors people made up to confirm theirIn-group, and to develop and express an ideology. Also discussed is the fact that the rumors were cultivated by sensationalism in the mass media.