加藤 知子
研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Seijoh University
vol.20, pp.1-16, 2020-03-01

The person who laid foundation of modern Kiyosato (Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan)was Paul RUSCH, an American lay missionary of the Anglican Church. He introducedknow-hows about the modern agriculture and tourism to Kiyosato after World War Ⅱ.Kiyosato’s post-war success is mainly due to Rusch’s first-class effort, thanks to whichthe area continues attracting tourists from regions like Kanto and Chubu in Japan. Being a Christian missionary full of passion, he built St. Andrew’s Church inKiyosato, hoping that one day Christianity would prevail in Kiyosato and Japan. Howsuccessful has this endeavor been? Why has the Christian population in Japanremained small despite the efforts by passionate missionaries like Rusch? Can we findany similarities among the Christian and Japanese cultural traditions? How will thereligious landscape change once Christianity becomes a major religion in Japan? With these research questions in mind, and taking Kiyosato St. Andrew’s Church asa starting point, this paper will give some thoughts on Christian evangelism in Japanfrom an intercultural understating point of view.