小寺 敦之
社会情報学研究 = Journal of socio-information studies (ISSN:13429604)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-14, 2012

Internet video sharing websites such as YouTube have some possibilities to change the way of choosing or using traditional media. This study investigates uses and gratifica-tions of YouTube and its impact on media preference, especially television.The questionnaire survey was conducted on 447 undergraduates. Factor analysis iden-tified four gratifications (convenience, information, reproducibility, communication) and three content types (home video, entertainment program, social information).All users were divided into three groups (high-gratifications, partial-gratifications, low-gratifications) by cluster analysis. Partial-gratifications users watched entertain-ment program limitedly with convenience and reproducibility gratifications, and they were less interactive online.But this study found no evidence that YouTube generated negative impact on watching television and other media preference. YouTube users spent more time on television or other media than non-users. High-gratifications and partial-gratifications users spent more time on television and had higher television affinity than low-gratifications users. YouTube may play complementary role in Japanese youth at present.