小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa Journal of the humanities and social science (ISSN:09157794)
vol.31, pp.29-46, 2014-03

As Internet use has proliferated worldwide, maladaptive patterns or negative impacts of Internet use, so-called Internet addiction, have been increasingly reported. This study critically reviewed literature and discussed some problems regarding the study of Internet addiction. Development of Internet addiction research and criticism of this subjectindicates that the research to date on Internet addiction 1) has no heoretical background, 2) lacks valid measurement, 3) may have resented misleading causal relationships, 4) has restricted research with a psychiatric paradigm, and 5) has been debated on the presumption that the Internet has brought negative consequences. IfInternet addiction truly exists, researchers must respond to these problems.
小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.29, pp.87-110, 2012-03

The “Powerspots”, known as the sacred places to heal or activate visitors, has come into fashion in recent years. The aim of this paper is to define what the “Powerspots” are based on sociological approach.In the view of sociology of religion, the “Powerspots” are located as a popularized form of modern spirituality. Especially Ehara’s TV program, a Japanese TV program in which he counseled guests spiritually, had decisive impact to make spirituality popular. Even though affirmative handlings of paranormal phenomenon in mass media have long history in Japan, after Ehara’s fad people have accepted a word of spirituality and collaborated to expand it. Publications entitled “Powerspots” have increased from then. Popularized spirituality has transformed as materialism and created spiritual markets.Sociological studies have explained the appearance of spirituality in postmodern society and proliferation of popularized spirituality in Japan, but only a few empirical studies has been done on the receptiveness. In the present study a preliminary survey was conducted on the “Powerspots” for future research. Openended questionnaire results have revealed that (1) while they have knowledge of collecting information about “Powerspots” from the media as well as from other people, the “Powerspots” have been discovered or re-innovated by themselves; (2) although the aims of visit are diverse, in common, they all want to make a distance from daily life; and (3) their attitudes to the “Powerspots” is not only determined by belief, but evaluation of the fashion or society.
小寺 敦之
公益財団法人 情報通信学会
情報通信学会誌 (ISSN:02894513)
vol.31, no.4, pp.51-59, 2014 (Released:2014-04-28)

本稿は、その定義や指標に焦点を当てながら、日本国内における「インターネット依存」に関する調査研究のメタ分析を行うものである。CiNiiやNDL-OPACから「インターネット依存」や「携帯電話依存」についての実証的研究を行った論文53編を抽出して分析したところ、海外の状況と同様にその定義や用語の使い方が曖昧であることが明らかになった。また、指標については、DSM-IVを転用したYoung(1996, 1998)の尺度を基盤にするものに加え、自由回答から作られた項目で構成される尺度が開発されているという独自性が見られた。サンプルや因果関係の仮定に偏りがあることも問題点として挙げられた。日本でも「インターネット依存」の概念検討は不充分な状況にあり、言葉のみが拡散している可能性がある。本稿では、このような状況で「インターネット依存」に対する対策が採られることには注意が必要であると主張している。
小寺 敦之
公益財団法人 情報通信学会
情報通信学会誌 (ISSN:02894513)
vol.31, no.4, pp.51-59, 2014

本稿は、その定義や指標に焦点を当てながら、日本国内における「インターネット依存」に関する調査研究のメタ分析を行うものである。<br>CiNiiやNDL-OPACから「インターネット依存」や「携帯電話依存」についての実証的研究を行った論文53編を抽出して分析したところ、海外の状況と同様にその定義や用語の使い方が曖昧であることが明らかになった。また、指標については、DSM-IVを転用したYoung(1996, 1998)の尺度を基盤にするものに加え、自由回答から作られた項目で構成される尺度が開発されているという独自性が見られた。サンプルや因果関係の仮定に偏りがあることも問題点として挙げられた。<br>日本でも「インターネット依存」の概念検討は不充分な状況にあり、言葉のみが拡散している可能性がある。本稿では、このような状況で「インターネット依存」に対する対策が採られることには注意が必要であると主張している。
小寺 敦之
社会情報学研究 : 日本社会情報学会誌 (ISSN:13429604)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-14, 2012

Internet video sharing websites such as YouTube have some possibilities to change the way of choosing or using traditional media. This study investigates uses and gratifica-tions of YouTube and its impact on media preference, especially television.The questionnaire survey was conducted on 447 undergraduates. Factor analysis iden-tified four gratifications (convenience, information, reproducibility, communication) and three content types (home video, entertainment program, social information).All users were divided into three groups (high-gratifications, partial-gratifications, low-gratifications) by cluster analysis. Partial-gratifications users watched entertain-ment program limitedly with convenience and reproducibility gratifications, and they were less interactive online.But this study found no evidence that YouTube generated negative impact on watching television and other media preference. YouTube users spent more time on television or other media than non-users. High-gratifications and partial-gratifications users spent more time on television and had higher television affinity than low-gratifications users. YouTube may play complementary role in Japanese youth at present.
小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa journal of the humanities and social sciences (ISSN:09157794)
no.31, pp.29-46, 2013

As Internet use has proliferated worldwide, maladaptive patterns or negative impacts of Internet use, so-called Internet addiction, have been increasingly reported. This study critically reviewed literature and discussed some problems regarding the study of Internet addiction. Development of Internet addiction research and criticism of this subjectindicates that the research to date on Internet addiction 1) has no heoretical background, 2) lacks valid measurement, 3) may have resented misleading causal relationships, 4) has restricted research with a psychiatric paradigm, and 5) has been debated on the presumption that the Internet has brought negative consequences. IfInternet addiction truly exists, researchers must respond to these problems.
小寺 敦之
社会情報学研究 = Journal of socio-information studies (ISSN:13429604)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-14, 2012

Internet video sharing websites such as YouTube have some possibilities to change the way of choosing or using traditional media. This study investigates uses and gratifica-tions of YouTube and its impact on media preference, especially television.The questionnaire survey was conducted on 447 undergraduates. Factor analysis iden-tified four gratifications (convenience, information, reproducibility, communication) and three content types (home video, entertainment program, social information).All users were divided into three groups (high-gratifications, partial-gratifications, low-gratifications) by cluster analysis. Partial-gratifications users watched entertain-ment program limitedly with convenience and reproducibility gratifications, and they were less interactive online.But this study found no evidence that YouTube generated negative impact on watching television and other media preference. YouTube users spent more time on television or other media than non-users. High-gratifications and partial-gratifications users spent more time on television and had higher television affinity than low-gratifications users. YouTube may play complementary role in Japanese youth at present.
小寺 敦之
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa journal of the humanities and social sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.34, pp.89-106, 2017-03

Media literacy is a wide-ranging and multi-dimensional concept that has developed differently in many countries. But the most crucial and common skill that is shared among facilitators is critical viewing of media contents. This study theoretically attempts to develop a Media Literacy Scale as a measurement of critical viewing skill.The scale consists of six key elements of media literacy: a) the media message is constructed; b) the media constructs social realities; c) the media message has commercial implications; d) the media message has embedded ideology; e) each medium has a unique mode; and f) people experience the same message differently.Items of the scale were carefully selected through a preliminary study and a pre- and post- survey was also conducted in a media literacy class to validate the scale. The average score significantly improved in the post-survey despite the degree of student attitude toward the class. Future studies need to refine the scale and apply it to various empirical research.