野部 了衆
聖徳学園女子短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Shotoku Gakuen Women's Junior College (ISSN:03875067)
no.28, pp.25-47, 1997-03-31

This paper tries to analyse that dealed with some accounts depicted about Radheya or Karna from Mahabharata. Its experiment is very important prosess to investigate the mainly theme of Karnabhara, a Sanskrit drama by Bhasa for us. As a result, there is depicted a brave man Radheya in our Epic. Exactly sometime he came across so tragic affair. But the writer of our Epic answers in the affirmative whole things that were acted by him. So perhaps there is an element of the brave, the theme of our Drama.
野部 了衆 Ryoju NOBE
聖徳学園女子短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Shotoku Gakuen Women's Junior College (ISSN:03875067)
vol.28, pp.25-47, 1997-03-31

This paper tries to analyse that dealed with some accounts depicted about Radheya or Karna from Mahabharata. Its experiment is very important prosess to investigate the mainly theme of Karnabhara, a Sanskrit drama by Bhasa for us. As a result, there is depicted a brave man Radheya in our Epic. Exactly sometime he came across so tragic affair. But the writer of our Epic answers in the affirmative whole things that were acted by him. So perhaps there is an element of the brave, the theme of our Drama.