三好 甫 Miyoshi Hajime
航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料 = Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory SP-13 (ISSN:0289260X)
vol.13, pp.1-26, 1990-09

It is well known that the rapid development in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has followed the development of powerful computers. In this report, we show firstly that the same situation is also recognized at NAL. Secondly, we give the requirements for computer power (processing speed and main memory capacity) that is necessary for the CFD to play important roles in the future R&D of aerospace planes and inovative aircraft,and we point out that today's supercomputer architectures are not likely to attain the processing speed required and that more parallelism should be developed. Finally, we discuss several important items in designing the target computer, bipolar technologybased processing element vs. MOS technology based processing element, shared memory vs. distributed memory, interconnection network's topology, software technologies' cost and running cost of the target computer and so on.