栗原 麻子
西洋古代史研究 = Acta academiae antiquitatis kiotoensis = The Kyoto journal of ancient history (ISSN:13468405)
no.14, pp.1-21, 2014

本論稿では, 前5世紀末から前4 世紀にかけてのアテナイにおける「男らしい」女のイメージについて検討する。「男らしい」女のイメージは, ジェンダー区分を揺るがせ, 「男らしさ」が男性の身体に固有のものではなく社会的な構築物であることを示していた。アリストファネス女性三部作における異性装がもたらす笑いを皮切りに, 女性や女らしさと「アンドレイア(男らしさ=勇気)」の関係について検討するなかで, アテナイ社会が, そのイマジネーションのなかに男勝りの女性の姿を捉えていたことが示されるであろう。とはいえ男らしさの中心は, あくまで戦死者に代表される, 戦場での市民男性固有の勇敢さにあった。アテナイ社会の内側で女性の「男らしさ」が受け入れられる余地があるとすれば, それは家や彼女自身の身体といった女性固有の領域に根ざす場合に限られていたのである。/ In Aristophanic comedies, certain female characters behave like men and men like women. In this study, the representation of and response to the possible existence of manly women in Athens during late fifth and fourth centuries BCE are examined. The concept of female 'manliness (andreia)' could question gender division, thus, leading to the notion that 'manliness' was not inalienable the male body but also a social construction. In the first chapter, the cases of the 'most manly (andreiotate)' leader of the Athenian women, Lysistrata, and the 'womanly man (ho gynnis)', Agathon (the tragic poet), both of whom are regarded as transgressing the gender division, are to be examined along with cross-dressing characters in the three 'women plays' of Aristophanes. In the second chapter, remarks by Platonic Socrates and Aristotle on female manliness are analysed. Both believed that the virtue of manliness is an acquired trait and not something one is born with. However, while Platonic Socrates admitted that both sexes could possess the same 'manliness', Aristotle regarded female manliness as subordinated exerted only in household matters. The third chapter is devoted to individual fictional female figures, whose manliness was either honoured or regarded problematic. The Athenian society was well aware of women's ability to achieve manliness, which is reflected in their imagination of manly women. However, the manly women were scarcely acknowledged within the Athenian civic society when observed through the traditional prism of manly virtue in the battlefield, which was regarded as a significant characteristic of the Athenian male citizens. If female manliness could be depicted desirable, it was definitely restricted to the occasions wherein it was exposed to typical female spheres, such as families, marriages and their own bodies.
井上 文則
西洋古代史研究 = Acta academiae antiquitatis kiotoensis = The Kyoto journal of ancient history (ISSN:13468405)
no.13, pp.1-23, 2013

3世紀においてゴート人は, ローマ帝国に繰り返し侵入し, 251 年には時の皇帝デキウスを敗死させるなどの深刻な事態を帝国にもたらした. この時期のゴート人の侵入を巡っては, その侵攻が何時, 何度あったのか, といった基本的な事実についてすら論争があるが, 本稿では特に3世紀におけるゴート人の侵攻の性格は, いったいどのようなものであったのか, さらにはそもそも当時のゴート人とはどのような集団であったのかという問題を考察の中心に据えて議論を行い, 併せてこの時期の侵入がゴート, ローマの双方にもった歴史的意義について考察を加えた. 考察の結果, ゴート人は, 通説が考えてきたようなバルト海南岸からの移住民ではなく, フランク人やアレマンニ人同様, 黒海北岸の地で3 世紀に新たに形成された民族であったこと, また, その侵入は単なる略奪を目的としたものであったとはいえ, 3 世紀の一連の侵入を通してゴート人が形成されていったことが明らかになった. ゴート人の侵入を促したのは, ササン朝の攻撃を受けて混乱するローマ帝国であったのであり, この意味では帝国の混乱がゴート人の形成, 強大化に寄与したのであった. ただし, 3世紀においては未だ, ゴート人は黒海北岸における支配的な集団ではなく, ローマ帝国への侵入に際しても, 侵入者の一部を構成していたにすぎないと考えられることも指摘した.In the third century, the Roman Empire was repeatedly invaded by the Goths. In 251, the Emperor Decius was defeated and killed in Abrittus by the Gothic king Cniva; from the late 250's on, the Goths again and again attacked the cities of Asia Minor from the sea; and in 268 the Goths carried out a large scale invasion, reaching as far as the Aegean Sea. According to A. Alföldi and P. Heather, the Goths appeared in the Black Sea region during the third century, having migrated from the Baltic Sea region. Through the impetus of these migrations, the Goths invaded the Roman Empire through a series of raids. In this article, by examining each of these invasions individually, the author draws the following conclusions: Firstly, that the Goths were not newcomers in the Black Sea region but formed in that region, similarly to the Franks and Alammani, and that they raided the Empire not through the impetus of migrations but by taking advantage of the military crisis caused by the Sassanids. It is no coincidence that the Sassanid civil war in the 270s began when the Gothic invasions ended. Secondly, that during the third century, the Goths were no more than one of many invaders of the Roman Empire. It was probably not until the fourth century that the Goths became the dominant power in the Black Sea region, and we must be cautious not to adopt a Goths-centric view.
増永 理考
西洋古代史研究 = Acta academiae antiquitatis kiotoensis = The Kyoto journal of ancient history (ISSN:13468405)
no.16, pp.1-23, 2016

This paper examines the possibilities and the limitations of applying Speech-Act Theory to historical research based on inscriptions. Inscriptions are an essential source for any research of ancient history. In recent years, an increasing number of researchers have studied inscriptions not only as literary sources but also as monuments. Subsequently, we need to examine inscriptions from a wider variety of perspectives than the literary sources of ancient writers. Since the 1990s some scholars of inscription texts have tried to introduce Speech-Act Theory, developed by linguistic philosophers, into their study of ancient history. Speech-Act Theory addresses the ways in which words can carry out actions through their sense, not perform an action in and by words. Until now it has been argued that the two essential factors of an inscription are its eternity and its accessibility. Based on these elements, if we view an inscription through Speech-Act Theory, we realize that inscriptions were a more dynamic medium than literary sources. Although there are some limitations, such as the ancients' perception of inscriptions, their literacy and the range of applications of the theory, this paper insists that with their spatial occupation as monuments, inscriptions functioned to exert power widely throughout a society, by means of influencing others and changing the world through speech-acts.
小山田 真帆
西洋古代史研究 = Acta academiae antiquitatis kiotoensis = The Kyoto journal of ancient history (ISSN:13468405)
no.16, pp.25-48, 2016

In classical Athens unmarried girls, like adults and boys, also took part in some honorable rituals. This article focuses on the 'Arkteia', which was performed by girls in Brauron, one of the sanctuaries of Artemis in Attica. Most scholars have regarded the Arkteia as a ritual for girls entering maturity. However, some scholars have challenged this view, citing some contradictory literary sources. This paper shows that this ritual was not only a maturation rite in which young women participated, but that it also encouraged them to adapt to their future life as Athenian women. Firstly, this paper reexamines whether or not the Arkteia was a maturation rite, and reconsiders its age qualification. Literary sources attest that the girls who participated in the ritual wore 'krokotoi' (saffron robes) indicating that they were sexually mature women. The legend of Iphigeneia, who is associated with Brauron, also alludes to this ritual as marking the passage of young women into maturity. The Arkteia was therefore a maturation rite for girls, as previous scholarship has claimed. However, there is room for reconsidering the age qualification of 5-10 years, as this age group would have been ineligible for this particular type of ritual. Based on an investigation of various sources, this article suggests that this age qualification is not reliable. Secondly, this paper investigates the relationship between the Arkteia and the dedication performed by women for Artemis in Brauron. Women worshipped Artemis because she took care of mothers, childbirth and children. Many adult women dedicated expensive items to Artemis in Brauron, in expectation of her protection in gynecopathy or in childbirth, and her protection of their children. It seems that the girls who served as 'arktoi' (participants in the Arkteia) and the women who dedicated goods to Artemis were of an equivalent economic class. This means that the arktoi offered items to Artemis after they had reached maturity. The treasure records of Artemis Brauronia (an epigraphic source) indicate that most of the votive offerings were items of clothing and that some of these were exhibited in the temple of Artemis. In addition, an inventory was erected along the wall of the temple and on a large stoa in the sanctuary. These facts suggest that girls who participated in the Arkteia learned the ways of life of Athenian women by means of the many votive offerings and the lengthy inventory. It is worth noting that some of the clothes displayed in the temple reminded the girls of important work; weaving. This would have been how the girls were transformed into the 'Athenian women' that Athenian society, specifically Athenian men, demanded.