宇佐美 桃子 Momoko Usami
金城学院大学大学院人間生活学研究科論集 = Annual report of Graduate School of Human Ecology Kinjo Gakuin University (ISSN:1346597X)
vol.20, pp.1-10, 2020-03-10

Nostalgia is a complex emotion comprising multiple elements such as pleasant emotions and autobiographical memories( Shimada, 1997; Barrett et al., 2010). This study systematically reviews previous research on the relation between nostalgia and music to clarify its nature and characteristics. Autobiographical memories were also focused on in the research as they were assumed to be associated with both nostalgia and music. Out of 125 papers on nostalgia and music, 17 were selected for the analysis. The results showed that many prior studies focused on the emotions and social connections of nostalgic music. Additionally, some studies used scales to measure nostalgia. In future studies, it would be useful to consider the various elements and qualities of nostalgia rather than simply determining whether nostalgia occurs.
杉本 早奈美 Sanami Sugimoto
金城学院大学大学院人間生活学研究科論集 = Annual report of Graduate School of Human Ecology Kinjo Gakuin University (ISSN:1346597X)
vol.22, pp.21-30, 2022-03-17

The purpose of this study was to examine how obsessive-compulsive tendencies, social skills, and difficulties in controlling emotion impact the process of private speech expression in adults. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 182 university students. To examine private speech in a broader sense, items regarding thinking process and unpleasant emotions were added to the speech tendency scale. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis of the results found that self-control, which is a subfactor of social skills, has negative impacts on all factors in private speech tendency. Private speech appeared to be the outcome of interactions among obsessive-compulsive tendencies, social skills, and difficulty controlling emotion. These results suggest that private speech is influenced by one’s emotional awareness and degree of control. Private speech tends to occur when one is unable to control oneself while thinking about something or does not have sufficient skills to do so. Therefore, private speech in adults is not only related to thinking but also has emotional and intellectual aspects. This suggests that there are various types and functions of private speech depending on the behavioral and emotional aspects.
髙﨑 順子 Junko Takasaki
金城学院大学大学院人間生活学研究科論集 = Annual report of Graduate School of Human Ecology Kinjo Gakuin University (ISSN:1346597X)
vol.18, pp.1-12, 2018-03-17

ASD (autism spectrum disorder) has been studied mainly with regard to boys because it is more common in boys. Studies have shown that in girls, noticeable symptoms do not appear in childhood, and problems with human relationships appear from puberty onwards. In some cases, where children experience periods wherein they refuse to go to school or dysphoria, they are diagnosed of ASD. Interviews with mothers whose daughters have ASD revealed that it is absolutely necessary to be able to share difficulties about the child's early upbringing and have continuous support from parents.
島澤 ゆい Yui Shimazawa
金城学院大学大学院人間生活学研究科論集 = Annual report of Graduate School of Human Ecology Kinjo Gakuin University (ISSN:1346597X)
vol.16, pp.27-34, 2016-03-18

Attachment and hospitalism theories suggest that mothers greatly influence their child’s development. However, in recent years, there has been a noted increase in problems such as child abuse and maternal depression in the child rearing period and these issues pose a huge social problem. Thus, parenting support has begun to be emphasized as a necessity. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between maternal consciousness stress coping abilities, and parenting stress. Furthermore, the study focused on understanding whether maternal stress was related to maternal consciousness and how that relation should be addressed. The results of this study indicate that parenting stress and maternal consciousness are interrelated.
髙﨑 順子 Junko Takasaki
金城学院大学大学院人間生活学研究科論集 = Annual report of Graduate School of Human Ecology Kinjo Gakuin University (ISSN:1346597X)
vol.18, pp.1-12, 2018-03-17

ASD (autism spectrum disorder) has been studied mainly with regard to boys because it is more common in boys. Studies have shown that in girls, noticeable symptoms do not appear in childhood, and problems with human relationships appear from puberty onwards. In some cases, where children experience periods wherein they refuse to go to school or dysphoria, they are diagnosed of ASD. Interviews with mothers whose daughters have ASD revealed that it is absolutely necessary to be able to share difficulties about the child's early upbringing and have continuous support from parents.自閉症スペクトラム障害(autism spectrum disorder,以下ASD)は男子に多いという性差があり,これまで男子を対象にした研究が主であった。女子は幼児期には特徴が目立たず,思春期頃から「人間関係の悩み」が出てくると言われる。それは不登校や抑うつとして出てくるが,受診するとASDであることが明らかになるケースがある。女子ASDの子どもを持つ母親への聞き取りから養育困難感をもち,一時的でなく,継続的に保護者への支援が必要であることが明らかになった。