田中 安平 タナカ ヤスヒラ Tanaka Yasuhira
鹿児島国際大学大学院学術論集 (ISSN:18838987)
vol.3, pp.13-24, 2011-12

Care work is a very busy field and it offers several ways for livelihood support. According to the manifold, even a care worker who has an appropriate care counseling mind will bring up the service theory when he or she provides care service. The reason for this is because, in the care work field, there are many support services that are appropriate in the morning, but become unsuitable in the afternoon. A care worker needs to have a counseling mind to live up to the expectations of pro-consumer services in this busy field. It is likely to be misunderstood that arranging in practice needs no philosophy and ethics for care work; however, in reality, this is not the case. This is care counseling, and it should be learned in the realm of ″care" according to the circumstances of the care work field. It is appropriate for the counseling mind to learn genuinely in the areas of "human and society", but it is difficult in today's education system to realize both of them.
中條 大輔 ナカジョウ ダイスケ Daisuke Nakajyo
鹿児島国際大学大学院学術論集 (ISSN:18838987)
vol.8, pp.19-33, 2016-11

It is hard to say that the notion of recovery is still entrenched in Japan when we think of the current state of Japan's psychiatric care and average length of stay, which is projected especially with reference to the case of dependents of special provisions for psychiatric and private hospitalization. Consider a historical overview of Japan's mental health and welfare measures. From the "Accommodation of the Home of Psychiatric Patients," "Psychiatric Patients' Custody Law," and "Mental Hospital Law" to the modern "Law Related to Mental Health and Welfare of the Person with Mental Disorder," and the post-war "Mental Hygiene Law," mental health and welfare measures that focus on isolation and hospitalization of the psychiatric patient continue to be mandatorily implemented. Thus, the main determiner for recovery continues to be the nation, indicating that the norm of subjectivity, as determined by the user in the treatment, has not existed for a long time. Indeed, this is the greatest factor inhibiting the users' recovery. In the future, we must seek more reflective concepts for recovery in mental health and welfare measures.
上山 敬補
鹿児島国際大学大学院学術論集 (ISSN:18838987)
vol.10, pp.43-52, 2018-11-30

There has been a long-standing debate over the geographical origins of our species, but archeological finds suggest that modern human behavior began in Africa over 200,000 years ago. Since the beginning, humans have had to fight against severe environments. The dry savanna lands offered humans only a little food. Our early ancestors chose to cooperate with each other to fight against the difficult environment. They had to consider and respect others because cooperation needs certain mutual trust. In this way human beings developed the ability to consider and respect others throughout the process of evolution.Rawls (1971) senunal work A TJjeory of Justice juxtaposed human evolution, history and ability to establish a concept of justice capable of actualizing full cooperation. This current thesis builds on Rawls' concept and weighs its various problems pointed out by Amartya Sen, and Martha C. Nussbaum. Exploration of the principle for full cooperation based on mutual confidence is an important field that can enhance our long history of mutual cooperation and ability to cooperate.
林 優花
鹿児島国際大学大学院学術論集 (ISSN:18838987)
vol.6, pp.41-53, 2014-11

The dialect of Yoronisland in Kagoshima prefecturehas complicated expressions for the potential form. It is a rare feature and can't be found in other dialects. Forms of expression in Yoron can change depending on the grammatical personof performingsubject. However, there have been fewstudies on the dialect,of Yoron, the detailed expressionfor the potential form hasn't been understood sufficiently. Therefore, in this paper I report the result of investigationon dialect in Yoron island and its analysis. Furthermore, I explore the system of the potential form in order to understand the division of dialectal use. As the result of the analysis, I propose that Yoron people might regard the grammatical person of performing subject as important when the form of use for dialect is decided. In the case of first person, Yoron people use the"Nayun" series in the affirmative form for the potential form of the kind of passionand ability. And they use the "Ryun" series in the potential form for inner and outer conditions. In the negative form, they all use the "Raji" series regardless of the kind of potential form. On the other hand, except for the first person as subject, in the affirmative form they all use the "Nayun" series, in the negative form they use the "Naraji" series regardless of the kind ofpotentiality.
林 優花 ハヤシ ユウカ Hayashi Yuuka
鹿児島国際大学大学院学術論集 (ISSN:18838987)
vol.6, pp.41-53, 2014-11

The dialect of Yoronisland in Kagoshima prefecturehas complicated expressions for the potential form. It is a rare feature and can't be found in other dialects. Forms of expression in Yoron can change depending on the grammatical personof performingsubject. However, there have been fewstudies on the dialect,of Yoron, the detailed expressionfor the potential form hasn't been understood sufficiently. Therefore, in this paper I report the result of investigationon dialect in Yoron island and its analysis. Furthermore, I explore the system of the potential form in order to understand the division of dialectal use. As the result of the analysis, I propose that Yoron people might regard the grammatical person of performing subject as important when the form of use for dialect is decided. In the case of first person, Yoron people use the"Nayun" series in the affirmative form for the potential form of the kind of passionand ability. And they use the "Ryun" series in the potential form for inner and outer conditions. In the negative form, they all use the "Raji" series regardless of the kind of potential form. On the other hand, except for the first person as subject, in the affirmative form they all use the "Nayun" series, in the negative form they use the "Naraji" series regardless of the kind ofpotentiality.