上山 敬補
地域経済政策研究 (ISSN:13458795)
vol.8, pp.77-109, 2007-03-31

Sen treats the problem of justice through the capability approach. Sen argues that the distributive problem is originally ignored in the utilitarianism, and consequentially overlooked in the Rawlsian two principles of justice and the libertarianism of Nozick. On the other hand, Sen argues that the principle of individual freedom as a social commitment excels those other principles of justice because Sen's principle demands to secure the equality of basic-capability. Such Sen's principle of justice is based on his view of humanity. That is to say, according to Sen's view of humanity, the human being rationally considers the way of life from different standpoints. As the result, the human being universally recognizes the importance of the behavior to improve the various situations of miserable people. Sen argues against the skepticism about the possibility of social justice, and he says that his view of humanity indicates the possibility of the principle of individual freedom as a social commitment. Sen's view of humanity, however, indicates not only the possibility of social justice but also the necessity of his principle of justice through the solemn respecting for the reason by Sen. Therefore, from this point we are able to know that Sen's principle of justice excels other principles because Sen's view of humanity excels other views of humanity on which the utilitarianism, the Rawlsian two principles of justice and the libertarianism of Nozick base.
上山 敬補
鹿児島国際大学大学院学術論集 (ISSN:18838987)
vol.10, pp.43-52, 2018-11-30

There has been a long-standing debate over the geographical origins of our species, but archeological finds suggest that modern human behavior began in Africa over 200,000 years ago. Since the beginning, humans have had to fight against severe environments. The dry savanna lands offered humans only a little food. Our early ancestors chose to cooperate with each other to fight against the difficult environment. They had to consider and respect others because cooperation needs certain mutual trust. In this way human beings developed the ability to consider and respect others throughout the process of evolution.Rawls (1971) senunal work A TJjeory of Justice juxtaposed human evolution, history and ability to establish a concept of justice capable of actualizing full cooperation. This current thesis builds on Rawls' concept and weighs its various problems pointed out by Amartya Sen, and Martha C. Nussbaum. Exploration of the principle for full cooperation based on mutual confidence is an important field that can enhance our long history of mutual cooperation and ability to cooperate.