前村 佳幸 Maemura Yoshiyuki
18世紀の宮古島一地方役人の"履歴書" : 「染地氏六世勤書」の料紙と様式 (ISSN:13453319)
no.93, pp.25-40, 2018-09

We investigated an original "Tsutomegaki" document and compared it with similar transcriptions and historical materials from Miyako and Yaeyama islands, which had a different administration system from that of Okinawa island in the early modern era. Although Tsutomegaki (translated as "curriculum vitae" in English) were maintained in each family, it is fundamentally not classified as a private document, because in preparing and appending the document, the administrative agency of the island was involved. The Tsutomegaki we analyzed consists of three parts: (1) a statement on the person's position in his own distinguished lineage (e.g. Someji-uji) on the island, (2) a list of his official business and his career in chronological order, and (3) Okugaki, a part that includes his administrative executives' signatures and seals. In addition, there is a part for appending his career after the preparation of the document. This part is certified by the Zaiban, a first-grade official dispatched from the Shuri government. Furthermore, this study showed that the paper material used in making the document is Kazinoki (Broussonetia papyrifera), or Kozo, which does not have loading material like rice glue. This was revealed by analysis using C dyeing solution based on JIS-P8120/8-2-2technique. The micrographs of the paper fiber and the photographs of a magazine for which the scrap papers of the original document were used as book covers are inserted in this article.