The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon (ISSN:00035505)
vol.63, no.4, pp.121-127, 1954-03-27 (Released:2008-02-26)
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Studies have been made since 1949 on 201 white American-Japanese and 66 Negro-Japanese hybrids in the Tokyo area and in Kanagawa Prefecture. They were all under six years of age, and their mothers were invariably Japanese. The results are as follows:(1) Blood type. The figures for B and O types respectively stand about halfway, between the corresponding figures for the two races. The racial blood index of the white American-Japanese is 2.93, showing a European type, while that of unmixed Japanese stands at 1.35 and is consistently Asiatic. The racial serologic point of the hybrids, as Figure 1 shows, stands at about the midpoint between the two races (Table 1). (2) Dermatoglyphs. Hybrids show the middle percentage of the pattern of two races (Table 2 and 3). (3) Color of skin. By comparison with Hintze's Color Table, we have ascertained that, the skin of the American-Japanese hybrids is 13% whiter than that of unmixed Japanese, and is 2.4% less white than that of white race. Namely in color, it is very near to that of whites and is almost devoid of the characteristic yellowish shade (Table 5). (5) Color and form of hair. About half (52.2%) of the American-Japanese hybrids have black hair, and 11% blond hair. The hair of 60% of the American-Japanese hybrids is straight and that of 14% slightly curled. On the whole, the hair is more wavy in form thanit is intermediate between the two races. (6) Color of iris. A majority (88%) of the American-Japanese hybrids possess a black iris, with only a minority (0.4%) having a bluiush one. It is concluded that the black color of iris is one of the most dominant hereditary factors of the Japanees race in crosses involving the white race (Table 6). (7) Mongolian fold. The Mongolian fold is found in 21.8% of the hybrid children as much as the ratio of Japanese children having the fold at the same age is 23% (Table 7). (8) Stature and weight. An examination of stature and body weight of hybrid children shows that they are about the same as Japanese children in both measurements, but are smaller and lighter than white children. The cephalic index tends near to that of white children. The curve of the nose index and the facial index transverse an intermediate zone between the ranges of both races. (9) Mental tests and deformities. The intellingence quotients are a little lower -by 5 on the average- than comparable figures for Japanese natives. In all there have been three cases of hernia, one case of syndactylism, three cases of idiocy. It is believed that such deformities have been caused through the various operation during the pregnancy.
Takahiro KUNISADA Ken-ichi SHINODA
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon (ISSN:00035505)
vol.98, no.4, pp.471-482, 1990 (Released:2008-02-26)
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縄文時代人骨3体から DNA を抽出し, PCR 法を用いてミトコンドリア DNAを増幅して解析を行い,その方法論的な問題点を考察した。今回用いた方法では,試料の保存状態•部位にかかわらず,ほぼ安定して DNA の分離と増幅が可能であり,その有効性が確かめられた。分離された DNA は,そのほとんどがヒト由来のものではなかったが, PCR 法によりヒトミトコンドリア由来の DNA の増幅を確認することができた。ミトコンドリア DNAのV 領域および D ループ領域に対する制限酵素を用いた解析では多型は検出できなかった。しかし増幅した V 領域の塩基配列を決定したところ,1個体では1箇所の変異が見出された。
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon (ISSN:00035505)
vol.67, no.5, pp.252-262, 1960-03-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

F. WAGENSEIL visited Japan in 1957 for the purpose of resurveying the characteristics of the mixedblood people on the Bonin Islands. The author worked as an assistant for him, and obtained the materials on marriage and childbearing of their descendants. As the introductory notes for the wagenseil's paper, some of the analysis done by the author are shown here.From 1830 to the present time, selection of mates numbered 202, 95 times for males, 107 times for females. About one thirds were the marriage with blood relation, or the descendants of the Bonin Islands' f reign stocks without blood relation. Among the intermarriages, the complicated cases in which the bride and briagroom had the same three family trees are found. (Fig. 1 & 2)In 1950, some of the famillies still had dominant European blood with a large number of descendants. The fact that many Japanese immigrants moved in the Islands, influenced the living modes of the Freign stocks, but the segregation of the Japanese was too strong for them to be assimilated into the inhabitants.The average number of children they had were small compared with those of the Japanese. It may be assumed that the stillborn children or the early infant deaths were lost from their memories. But no real causes have yet been known.The number of people of the mixed-blood, and their average blood distribution schemes, by calender year, are shown in Table 10 & 11.