Tanaka Hiroya
Research bulletin of English teaching (ISSN:1880716X)
no.6, pp.17-41, 2009-02-27

This study investigates vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) use by Japanese EFL university freshmen through a questionnaire developed by the researcher. The questionnaire consists of two parts: VLS for identifying a word's meaning (determination strategies) and VLS for consolidating knowledge on various aspects of a word (consolidation strategies). Results from determination strategies revealed a similar pattern of VLS use to previous research with a high dependence on bilingual dictionaries. Results from consolidation strategies identified seven VLS factors: Written rehearsal, note-taking, reference, organization, simple rehearsal, metacognitive regulation, and language exposure. Structural equation modeling confirmed moderate goodness of fit of the seven-factor VLS model. Besides the multiple choice questions, participants were asked an open question on vocabulary learning in English. The results provided insightful information on how they perceive the importance of vocabulary learning and its strategies, and conduct their learning either in line with or contrary to what they believe important.
Thomson Haidee
Research bulletin of English teaching (ISSN:1880716X)
no.10, pp.27-45, 2013-02-22

This paper follows the creation of the vocabulary component of a communication English course in a university in Japan, showing how Nation's (2000) course design process model and four strands framework (Nation, 2001) can be utilised to structure and evaluate a language course for effective vocabulary learning. Following the model, a needs analysis is conducted, making use of vocabulary size and level tests (Laufer & Nation, 1999; Nation & Beglar, 2007) to identify learner vocabulary knowledge and goals. Based on the principle that the more time you spend on a skill the better you will become at that skill, the four strands framework helps identify the various learning conditions and balance them across the curriculum. The four strands or learning conditions are: meaning focused input (MFI), meaning focused output (MFO), language focused learning (LFL) and fluency development (F). The planning process described in this paper can be used as an example or a starting point for those who want to design structured, balanced and goal-focused communicative language courses.
大西 三佳子 志村 昭暢
Research bulletin of English teaching (ISSN:1880716X)
no.10, pp.75-93, 2013-02-22

This correlational study examined the relationships among the four regulations of external motivation (i.e., integrated, identified, introjected, & external regulations) in Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), self-efficacy, metacognitive strategies, and perception of academic achievement. The participants were approximately one hundred private senior high school students. To collect the data for this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of the four regulations of external motivation (Ryan & Connell, 1989), self-efficacy (Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990; Sakurai, 1987), metacognitive strategies (Ichihara & Arai, 2006), and perception of academic achievement (Sakurai, 1990). The results showed that the participants' integrated and identified regulations predicted their academic achievement in perception, but their self-efficacy and metacognitive strategies did not predict it. Practical implications were presented on the basis of Self-Determination Theory.