Dollin Ashleigh
pp.103-123, 2020-03-31

Discourse and representation has the power to influence how we understand reality through the creation of cultural norms. Furthermore, the way dominant discourses frame the Ainu reality within Japan can have a profound effect because the majority of ethnic Japanese lack meaningful contact with Ainu people to make their own informed decisions. One controversial issue through which this can be examined is Ainu ancestral remains repatriation. As there is extensive discourse relating to this issue from both the dominant government perspective and the Ainu perspective this study aims to uncover the conflicting discourses present in modern-day Japan and how these affect power relations between the Ainu and ethnic Japanese populations. Additionally an analysis of how the Ainu are using documentary as a form of self-representation is included. This research intends to fill current gaps in academic literature relating to Ainu use of media and representation issues.

1 0 0 0 OA 研究会報告

石山 徳子 田辺 陽子 マオアテ ポール Roslynn Ang 西山 教行 ムーア ダニエル
pp.145-163, 2020-03-31

多文化世界におけるアイデンティティと文化的アイコン : 民族・言語・国民を中心に
一谷 智子
pp.7-18, 2020-03-31

The British colonization of Australia created confrontation and conflict between Indigenous people and settlers with Indigenous people increasingly marginalized and eliminated. When Australia celebrated the bicentenary of its national foundation in 1988, it also became an opportunity to highlight the racism and colonialism within the country’s past. In this respect, the bicentenary served as a turning point for reconsidering Australian history as Indigenous activists protested British settlement and invasion. The landscape of Australian literature was also altered in 1988. Over the last three decades, which can be termed the “period of reconciliation,” literary works that affirmed Indigenous rights and tackled colonial history appeared and the writings of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous authors began to resonate with each other around these issues. This paper explores the trajectory of Australian literature over the last thirty years and elaborates on the ways in which postcolonial literature has played a role in the reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Rainey Mark Justin
pp.19-34, 2020-03-31

This paper draws on ethnographic research carried out in a network of emergency night shelters for refused asylum seekers in Manchester, UK. Located in churches throughout the city, these shelters provide informal accommodation for men who have been made destitute following the refusal of asylum claim. With particular focus on volunteers working in the night shelters, this paper argues that a ‘theo-ethics’ based on notions of Christian love – or agape - often informs individual and organisational practices of care while also recognising the limitations of this work in the face of the wider and systemic injustices of the UK asylum system.