真木 大空
no.9, pp.1-24, 2017-10-31

Examples of spouted bowl-shaped pottery with attached pedestal foot (kyakudaitsuki hachigata doki) comprise ceramic vessels with a high foot and spouted body. These large, highly decorated ceramic objects have been unearthed in the northern part of Bingo (eastern part of Hiroshima Pref.). They have been investigated alongside with the characteristic burials of this region, rectangular graves with burial mound and four corner projections (yosumi tosshutsugata funkyū bo). It is also the case that similar pottery is distributed over a wide area encompassing the Chūgoku and Shikoku regions. Comparative research concerning patterns, surface finishing, feature situations, and the means of the attachment of the spout suggests that these artefacts can be roughly divided into those from the northern part of Bingo and those from other areas. This result further demonstrates the uniqueness of the northern part of Bingo.In the northern part of Bingo these large objects were continuously manufactured from the end of the Middle Yayoi period throughout the first third of the Late Yayoi period (1st century AD). This special pottery was used for funerary rituals. Particularly, it was commonly placed as offerings in the Sata-dani and Sata-dao groups of graves with burial mound in Shōbara city, Hiroshima Pref. Concerning forms and manners of offering, it is thought to have been strongly influenced by the southern part of Okayama Prefecture (Kibi). In addition to strong influences of the Kibi region, funerary rituals were performed using traditional ritual utensils.
今福 拓哉
no.9, pp.43-68, 2017-10-31

According to the 1969 investigation report regarding the "Shijikkan-kohara" which was excavated a year earlier, it comprised a series of pit graves (dokō bo) from the Yayoi period. However, a more recent reinvestigation of this site suggests instead that a rectangular-shaped grave with multi-row stone pavement on the slope of the burial mound (hōkei hariishi bo) is the case here. Therefore, "Shijikkan-kohara" has been re-defined as a Yayoi period grave with burial mound (yayoi funkyū bo).It was constructed in the last third of the Middle Yayoi period and contained five burial facilities. These facilities, including some for children, were built prior to the construction of the burial mound. According to this fact, it was built using the so-called "mound last" method, where the burial mound construction is carried out at the end, after the burial facility is dug out respectively erected (funkyū kōkōgata; "mound last" construction type).The ways through which one constructed the mound and the stone pavement and arranged the burials, were also investigated. Similarly, the Narahama Yayoi period burial mound group and the Umeda-kayamine burial mound in the Chūgoku region were both constructed using the "mound last" method. As both of them were built during the Middle Yayoi Period, one could shed light on the development of the construction method concerning the relationship between the burial facilities and the mound. It changed from the "mound last" type to "concurrent progression" type (here, the mound and the burial facilities are simultaneously constructed) to the "mound first" construction type, where the piling up of the burial mound proceeds first. In addition, it concerns the stone pavement at the mound base as well as boundary stones (hyōseki) on top of the grave pits such as stone alignments enclosing or paving the grave (haiseki) and arrangement of the the burials are indicating an initial type. This can be considered them as an ancestral form of Yayoi burial mounds in the Chūgoku region. Also the possibility can be assumed that this situation developed from burials practices which were already present in the San'in region and the Chūgoku mountainous regions during the first half of the Yayoi period.Accordingly, the "Shijikkan-kohara" Yayoi period burial mound is an important archaeological site for studying the origin and evolution of such graves with burial mounds during the Middle Yayoi period in the Chūgoku region.
野島 永 広島大学大学院文学研究科考古学研究室 庄原市教育委員会
vol.3, pp.1-150, 2016-03-31

The Sata-dao group of graves with burial mound, where the excavations were carried out, is located in the urban area on the east side of Shōbara city in the northern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. The group was built between the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period (1st century BC) and the first third of the Late Yayoi period (1st century AD).A series of excavations yielded the following results: Sata-dao No. 1 and 2 are square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precincts (hōkei shūkō bo); No. 3 is a grave with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections (yosumi tosshutsugata funkyū bo); No. 4 is also a grave with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections, but has subsequently been modified and altered into a square-shaped burial mound; No. 5 is a square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precinct (hōkei shūkō bo), where on the inside of the ditch-enclosed space a grave pit was confirmed.Towards the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period after repeated burials of several individuals, the burial mound of the Sata-dao No. 3 grave was completed. At grave No. 4, which is from the same phase, in the lower strata of the burial mound the surface of the excavation of a grave pit could be confirmed. In other words, it became clear, that at the graves No. 3 and 4 with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections, grave pits were first excavated before the burial mound was finally taking shape. Then the deceased persons were buried within and thereafter the grave pits were backfilled with the soil of the pit excavation. The so repeated iterations of grave pit excavation, burial and backfilling gradually produced the mound. However, on the other hand at Sata-dao grave No.1 and 2 the burials took place after the earthworks of the mound were nearly completed.According to the results of the surveys, within the same group of graves one could confirm that the construction methods of the burial mounds changed: from the type, where the mound and the burial facilities are simultaneously constructed [co-occurrent progression type] of the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period to the type, where burial mound construction proceeds first ["mound first" type] of the first third of the Late Yayoi period. It became clear that is a rather rare group of graves with burial mound. This group is not only constructed during a relatively early stage of Yayoi period graves with burial mound, but also it became obvious that this is a very important site, if one is taking into consideration the development of construction methods of burial mounds of Yayoi period graves. Hereafter, for an understanding of the development of construction methods of burial mounds of Yayoi period graves the site is offering important insights.その他のタイトル:庄原市教育委員会発掘調査報告書第28冊本報告は広島大学大学院文学研究科考古学研究室と庄原市教育委員会が提携して推進している共同研究『佐田谷・佐田峠墳墓群の発掘調査』(研究代表者:古瀬清秀)および、『四隅突出型墳丘墓の発達に関する考古学的研究』と題する科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)、課題番号23520922〈研究代表者:野島 永〉)による調査研究の成果を掲載した。
Nojima Hisashi Arimatsu Yui Fujii Masahiro Murata Susumu Ichikawa Hakuhiro Fujii Shohei Morimoto Naoto
Hiroshima University bulletin of the Department of Archaeology
no.8, pp.1-31, 2016-09-30

谷岡 能史
vol.4, pp.109-128, 2012-03

その他のタイトル: 広島大学大学院文学研究科 帝釈峡遺跡群発掘調査室年報ⅩⅩⅥ