戸板 律子
欧米文化研究 = Studies in European and American cultures
no.22, pp.99-115, 2015

Ludwig von 88, un des groupes les plus populaires des années 80-90, a créé un mini-album intitulé Hiroshima – 50 ans d'inconscience. Sorti en août 1995, c'est-à-dire année qui commémorait le cinquantième anniversaire du bombardement de Hiroshima, l'album retrace en six titres l'histoire de cet événement, commençant par la création de la première arme nucléaire jusqu'à la conséquence tragique de son utilisation.L'analyse des textes et du son permet de comprendre que le groupe s'est considérablement documenté pour produire une matière verbale et sonore capable de transmettre à la jeunesse française l'expérience de Hiroshima.Les textes sont écrits sans deuxième degré ni exagération ni cliché facile. Par la diversification du schème narratif et la personnification d'objets tels que la bombe ou l'avion, les auditeurs sont invités à suivre l'événement par leur propre imagination plutôt que par l'acceptation passive du point de vue du groupe qu'ils admirent. Et ils sont incités à en savoir plus grâce à un livret de 32 pages rempli de documents. Enfin, par ses choix musicaux et ses arrangements, le groupe ajoute à la puissance entraînante des sons et des rythmes, des matières et des effets sonores variés qui rendent chaque titre plus évocateur et donnent une cohérence au récit que porte l'album entier.Ce travail sérieux et sincère, réalisé par de jeunes artistes nés et vivants loin de Hiroshima mérite notre attention.
岸野 英美
欧米文化研究 = Studies in European and American culture
no.24, pp.41-58, 2017

Until now, reviews of Hiromi Goto's (1966 - ) debut work Chorus of Mushrooms (1994, below "Chorus") and studies on her early works often attempt to position the Japanese-Canadian author as a diaspora writer. For example, Guy Beauregard pointed out that Goto's doubtful view of cultural homogeneity in Chorus is connected with "writing diaspora" theory including" the automatized other" that Rey Chow once analyzed using the works of Chaplin. Eva Rich Ponce focused on the languages used in Chorus (primarily English and Japanese), and discussed the process of Japanese-descent people finding a cultural identity as depicted by Goto, and Goto's deconstruction of Canadian stereotypes of Japanese-descent people.Chorus is deeply concerned with Goto's own origins as someone born in Chiba, Japan and moved to Canada at the age of three. Japan-born Goto has a strong fixation on the reality of being unable to create strong roots in a Canadian society permeated by a culture centered on white people, and on her own pursuit of an ethnic identity. It is possible to consider these aspects as tending toward the characteristics of diaspora writers and, as such, it is possible to position this book among diaspora literature. However, that is not all of what is depicted in Chorus. In this work, Goto consistently resists existing norms, namely, social norms, cultural norms, and even gender norms; we can perceive this work as demonstrating the beginning of Goto's daring attempt to deconstruct norms. For example, Naoe, the grandmother of the protagonist Muriel, alludes to Zhuang Zhou's "Dream of theButterfly." A Chinese philosopher (Zhuang Zhou) dreams that he became a butterfly, and when he woke up, he was not sure if he was a butterfly or a human, but Naoe wonders why it is necessary to make a distinction between a butterfly and a human (44). In this way, Goto tries to deviate from existing dualistic perceptions and value systems through Naoe. Regarding norms, there are many types, including social, cultural, sexual, and sensual norms, but if we look at "mushrooms" as seen in the book's title, this is also related to Goto's resistance to and deconstruction of all kinds of norms. Accordingly, this paper focuses on mushrooms and the mushroom cultivation shed, which have symbolic implications in Chorus, and examines how Goto depicted these while deconstructing existing normative awareness and tearing down the boundaries that divide mainstream culture and subculture, whites and non-whites, men and women, and homosexuality and heterosexuality.本稿はJSPS科学研究費(科研費番号:16K16797)の助成の一部を受けた研究成果の一部である。