小林 泰名 栗田 とも子
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.63, no.1, pp.79-84, 2016-03

The Hokkaido University Library has been attempting to create and provide digital data to users with print disabilities since fiscal 2014. The procedures, system, cost estimates, and future tasks of this digitizing service were identified by this study, and results obtained over the past year are reported here. The university must provide information support to students with print disabilities and must respond to requests for the digitization of documents necessary for learning as much as possible. Libraries must exchange information with other libraries to solve future tasks and to improve this digitization service. Further improvement will require the following 3 points: 1. University library staff members must understand the guidelines, 2. Information must be exchanged with other libraries that provide digitization services, and 3. Digital data for people with print disabilities must be shared among libraries.
上田 知寿子 UEDA Chizuko
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.62, no.4, pp.251-253, 2015-12 (Released:2016-04-07)

Since 2013,Nagoya University have been borne part of the ILL cost. While it have changed the contract of e-journal of Elsevier from package to individual title base in 2014. Due to the change,the number of request of literature has been significantly increased at Nagoya University Medical Library. This document is the research and analysis for the impact of e-journal contract change to the request frequency for ILL.
橋本 郷史
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.62, no.2, pp.131-136, 2015-06

解説For decades, the cost of academic journals has been increasing, and academic libraries have had to cope with this situation. The "Big Deal" subscription model is no longer available for many libraries. In this study, the Nature Publishing Group Pay-Per-View (PPV) service: Articles on Demand (AOD) is examined from the perspective of costbenefit.This study also examined whether the AOD model fits the needs of researchers. To demonstrate the cost evaluation and usage features, the AOD access log was examined. Globally, the AOD cost is lower than that of any other type of subscription contract. AOD cannot be archived, but the AOD log indicates that recent material is accessed more frequently than older material. Old papers are not used. After the introduction of AOD, the number of used titles increase by more than two times the previous number. AOD fits the potential needs of researchers. Major usage concentrates on specific journals, while minor usage extends to a wide range of titles. The combination of a title-based contract with PPV would be an effective means of coping with the increasing costs of academic journals.(著者抄録)
橋本 郷史
医学図書館 = Journal of the Japan Medical Libraries Association (ISSN:04452429)
vol.63, no.2, pp.180-185, 2016-06

特集Prior studies have shown that redundant use, such as systematic downloads, repeat payments for the same article, and careless purchasing, is a problem associated with unmediated Pay-Per-View (PPV) models. The present study explored whether an alert message is an effective means of reducing redundant use. Two unmediated PPV services were compared: the Nature Publishing Group PPV: Articles on Demand (AOD) model, and the Elsevier Science Direct PPV (SD-PPV) model. The SD-PPV utilizes an alert function, while the AOD does not. To demonstrate the effects of the alert, the PPV access log and the COUNTER log were examined. The AOD access log contained several cases of continuous downloads, with a maximum of 16 downloads in one minute. In the SD-PPV log, no cases of suspected systematic downloads were found. More than one-third of the total AOD usage consisted of repeat access to the same articles. In the SD-PPV, only one-eighth of the total usage was for the same articles. The COUNTER log showed that abstract access for the AOD titles accounted for only 14 percent of the full-text usage, and this rate was one-fifth of the rate for SD-PPV. An alert before the retrieval of PPV full-text was useful for limiting redundant use. To make this system more efficient, the alert message should be improved so that it is easily understood by any user.
森 三紗
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.60, no.3, pp.268-272, 2013-09

At the Nara Medical University Library,we started using Twitter in June 2012 to provide timely information regarding PC use to enable efficient use of the library. Before starting Twitter, we investigated Twitter use at other university libraries and found that 75 university libraries used Twitter. We decided to tweet 3 times a day and to provide information regarding opening hours, events, and book reviews, similar to the usage at other university libraries. A year has passed since we started to use Twitter, but we have only 22 followers. Information activities should be reconsidered so that Twitter may become helpful to library users.著作権者:日本医学図書館協会日本医学図書館協会及び著作者の許諾を得て登録
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.55, no.2, pp.130-160, 2008-06