橋本 郷史
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.62, no.2, pp.131-136, 2015-06

解説For decades, the cost of academic journals has been increasing, and academic libraries have had to cope with this situation. The "Big Deal" subscription model is no longer available for many libraries. In this study, the Nature Publishing Group Pay-Per-View (PPV) service: Articles on Demand (AOD) is examined from the perspective of costbenefit.This study also examined whether the AOD model fits the needs of researchers. To demonstrate the cost evaluation and usage features, the AOD access log was examined. Globally, the AOD cost is lower than that of any other type of subscription contract. AOD cannot be archived, but the AOD log indicates that recent material is accessed more frequently than older material. Old papers are not used. After the introduction of AOD, the number of used titles increase by more than two times the previous number. AOD fits the potential needs of researchers. Major usage concentrates on specific journals, while minor usage extends to a wide range of titles. The combination of a title-based contract with PPV would be an effective means of coping with the increasing costs of academic journals.(著者抄録)
諏訪 敏幸 スワ トシユキ Swa Toshiyuki
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.55, no.4, pp.357-361, 2008-12-20

Information retrieval (IR) consulting service is widely provided to clients at the Osaka University Life Sciences Library (OULSL), who need critical help in bibiographic searches. The author reports his experience of the IR consulting service at OULSL, showing a fictitious case of consultation for an undergraduate nursing student. It illustrates the process between a librarian and a client as practiced at OULSL, which stimulates the client into reconsideration and further thought on the subject. In conclusion, the importance of interview and dialogue is emphasized. The librarian should realize the client's needs, have a sympathetic manner, and build effective collaboration under a professional-client relationship throughout.
諏訪 敏幸
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.55, no.4, pp.357-361, 2008

Information retrieval (IR) consulting service is widely provided to clients at the Osaka University Life Sciences Library (OULSL), who need critical help in bibliographic searches. The author reports his experience of the IR consulting service at OULSL, showing a fictitious case of consultation for an undergraduate nursing student. It illustrates the process between a librarian and a client as practiced at OULSL, which stimulates the client into reconsideration and further thought on the subject. In conclusion, the importance of interview and dialogue is emphasized. The librarian should realize the client's needs, have a sympathetic manner, and build effective collaboration under a professional-client relationship throughout.
白木 俊男 シラキ トシオ Shiraki Toshio
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.50, no.2, pp.137-140, 2003-06-20

Abstract: In 1997 we developed a database to manage the achievements of each researcher, and two years later we developed a database that profiles each researcher. Next, we intend to consolidate and upgrade these two databases for our users.
石坂 憲司
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.55, no.1, pp.24-29, 2008

Shinshu University took charge in 2006 of Area I ofthe Cyber Science lnfrastructure (CSI) Development Projectof the National lnstitute of lnformatics (NII), and developedthe Shinshu Universtiy Online System of General AcademicResources (SOAR). SOAR achieves mutual coordinationby linking e-journals and the Web of Science to theresearcher directory and the institutional repository - two systemcornerstones. This led to improvement Qf the internalenvironment of scholarly information of the university, anddissemination of university research results and researchactivities, both within Japan and around the world, to a wider audience. SOAR targets universality, and the core of its systemhas begun to be provided free of charge to the academiccommunutiy around the world. Tlie role of the medical libraryin SOAR is to encourage researchers to archive their papersin the institutional repository, to formulate and promote anarchiving policy, to deal with the faculty and to cooperate withthe main library.