Shoichi EMURA Toshihiko OKUMURA Huayue CHEN
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.88, no.1, pp.17-21, 2011 (Released:2012-02-10)
13 18

The dorsal lingual surfaces of rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Macroscopically, the tongue of the rainbow lorikeet has a finger-like shape. Three parts are distinguished in the dorsal surface of the tongue: the apex, body, and root of the tongue. The apex of the tongue has numerous processes inclined toward medial side from lateral side. These processes are rod-like structure and smooth surfaces. Many grooves are observed in both lateral sides of the lingual body. A large opening of the lingual gland exists in central part of the lingual root and some large openings of the lingual glands exist in both lateral sides of the lingual root.
Raymond A. Dart
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:21870152)
vol.12, no.4, pp.207-221_5, 1934 (Released:2013-03-19)
14 23

In brief there is no feature external or internal in the dentition of Australopithecus, that can be termed simian. We are led, by our detailed study of the dentition to an unqualified support of the deductions that are to be drawn from the study of the bone breccia at Taungs. If any single tooth in this dentition had been found separately, it would unquestionably have been called a human tooth. We stand in the presence of an ape with a human dentition, of an ape that lived on a carnivorous diet-a diet indistinguishable from that of primitive man, a diet consisting of animals that live in an open-country region. The teeth more than any other single feature removes Australo-pithecus from apes and assembles him with men. As in the jaws of primitive men we find here the dentition of a man in the jaws of an ape. We have seen from our introductory remarks that these demonstrated facts carry with them striking implications. An ape living in southern Africa and having only the dentition of a defenceless man must have been gifted with an almost human intelligence. This ape moreover was like primitive man, a hunter ; he subsisted on the bloody fruits of the chase. He was enabled to do this because he was a practised and skilful wielder of lethal weapons of the chase. Australopithecus was troglodytic and predaceous in his habits a cave-dwelling, animal-hunting, stream-searching, bird-nest rifling and bone-cracking ape, who employed destructive implements in the chase and the preparation of his food. We can no longer regard such qualities as distinctive of Man.
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.35-39, 1993-05-20 (Released:2012-09-24)
1 2

The importance of the hymenal configuration lies in the fact that it is accepted as an important sign of the virginity in many countries and also it needs a clearcut definition for the forensic evaluation of child abuse and rape. To improve understanding of configuration of the normal hymen we studied 100 prepubertal hymens. In addition to the most commonly seen types we found the fimbriated hymen at a high rate especially in adolescents. There was another configuration the appearance of which differed on each half of the vaginal orifice; one half had a labium while the other had fimbriae. The tagged type hymen was also encountered.
Junji ITO
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.73, no.5, pp.247-251, 1996-12-20 (Released:2012-09-24)
8 11

Summary: Morphological study of the muscles of the lower extremity is necessary for the analysis of the muscular function and its relation with locomotion. In this study, the muscle weight of the lower extremities from 11 adult Japanese cadavers (6 males and 5 females, aged from 50 to 91 years old) were measured. The morphological characteristic of the human lower extremity is discussed based on the relative muscular weight. The largest muscles were the gluteus maximus (the extensor at the hip joint), the vasti muscles (the extensor at the knee joint) and the soleus (the plantarflexor at the ankle joint). These results reveal that the muscles acting on one joint are developed in the human lower extremity and that these muscles have important roles in human locomotion.
Kikuo Chishima
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.149-186_9, 1952 (Released:2012-09-24)
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(1) In this paper the origin of the so-called primordial germ cell and the histogenesis of the gonad in chick embryo are described with special reference to the differentiation of erythrocytes.(2) Erythrocytes in the gonad of chick embryos show transitional phases into several kinds of formed elements of the gonad such as small lymphoid cell, " fat-laden cell ", fibroblast or connective tissue cell, eosinophilic granulocyte and mesenchymal cell-B, according to, (a)the cellular environment, where the erythrocytes are localized or remain stagnant, and (b) with the lapse of time.(3) The differential potencies of erythro c yte were recognized by means of the following experiments, viz. (i) blood cell culture, (ii)gonad implantation and (iii) wound inducing experiment with testis.(4) Gonad primordium in early embryonal stage is in dire c t contact with erythrocytes contained in the subcardinal vein and revehent vein, and some of these erythrocytes adhere to the gonad and show transitional phases into gonadal elements.(5) So-called primordial germ cells with very low value of mitotic index show no reliable evidence of genetic continuity with oögonia or spermatogonia; on the contrary, they arise, most probably, from the incorporation (fusion) with many of the mesenchymal elements of the germinal epithelium in situ, and further the germinal epithelial cells show transitions from the erythrocytes.(6) There are three d i fferent modes, from which the sex-cord may be formed. The first is from the germinal epithelium which is a derivative from the blood layer (since 8-9 day of incubation). In this case there can be found no evidence of local intensive proliferation of the epithelial elements, on the contrary, migration and differentiation of erythrocytes can be clearly demonstrable. The second mode is formation from the condensation and differentiation of erythrocytes migrated into the interstices of the gonad. The third mode is the transformation and rearrangement of mesonephric elements.(7) Asymmetrical development of the embryonic g o nad in the female chick is due to the lack of first and second modes of sex-cord formation of the right ovary. The right ovary, consequently retregresses by the hatching time according to the degeneration of the right mesonephros.(8) There is no evidence that the otigonia composed of ovigerous 180 K. Chishima layer of the left ovary are produced by mitotic proliferation of their own kind. Their characteristic nuclear features, resembling the prophase of mitosis, are not true mitotic figures.(9) So-called "cluster of fat-laden cells " show transitional phases from cluster of erythrocytes that have migrated into the inter stices of the medullar region.(10) Distend e d medullary cords are derived from the degeneration of the medullary cords and of the " cluster of fat-laden cells ".(11) Rete cords are transitional portions of the mes o nephric tissues into the gonad.
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.87, no.2, pp.49-58, 2010 (Released:2012-02-10)
14 29

To investigate intergender differences in muscle cleavage and joining during development of the external anal sphincter (EAS), we examined semiserial sections of 16 fetuses between 15 and 30 weeks of gestation (6 males and 10 females). The subcutaneous part of the EAS (EASsc) developed along the male perineal raphe and extended posteriorly. Thus, the male EAS was characterized by anterior protrusion of the subcutaneous muscle, in contrast to the almost circular female EAS. In both genders, the bulbospongiosus anlage (or the levator ani anlage) issued muscle fibers to form the superficial (or deep) part of the EAS. The EASsc communicated with the superficial part in males, whereas the female bulbospongiosus tended to communicate with the levator ani rather than the EAS. In both genders, the longitudinal muscle bundle(s) of the anorectum contributed to perineal body formation. However, the male perineal body also had a thick fascia between the rhabdosphincter and the levator. The bulbospongiosus seems to play a critical role in forming the EAS. A strict intergender difference in subcutaneous muscle development is evident along the perineal raphe, as the raphe is not evident in females. These results help to explain variations in the EAS, including anal malformations.
Christian Leithner Helmut Sinzinger Johann Hohenecker Lothar Wicke Fritz Olbert Walter Feigl
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.52, no.2-3, pp.119-149, 1975-08-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

We investigated the angiograms of 61 grown-up,33 males and 28 females, aged between 17 and 74 years. In its course the aorta was gradually approaching the median line, the calibre decreased from Th12(26 mm) down to the aortic bifurcation (19 mm). The aortic bifurcation had a mean angle of 37°C, the iliac bifurcation one of 29°on the right and 20°on the left side. In the mean the aortic bifurcation had a level of L.. The mean calibre of the left and right renal artery measured about 7.8 mm and differed significantly from the calibre of the splenic artery. In the mean the level of the origin of the renal arteries was slightly higher on the right than on the left side. The side-differences of the calibres of the common external and internal iliac arteries were not significant. In the higher age groups we observed a lowering of the aortic bifurcation and the origin of the renal arteries. The increase in length was particularly marked in the splenic artery. The length of the common iliac arteries varied con- siderably. This artery was rather more tortuous on the left than on the right side. This tortuosity was nearly always found in patients suffering from hypertension.
Hoshi Hiroshi
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.48, no.5, pp.333-345, 1971

The comparative study o n the morphological characters of the mandible in Norma lateralis was made in 78 species of mammals. In the present investigation, special attention was paid of the relation of mandibular shape to food habit.<BR>(1) All mammals can be divided into two groups according to the mandibular shape: the first group comprises Carnivora, Chiroptera, Insectivora, and Zoophaga of Marsupialia, and the second group, Ungulata, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Primates, Proboscidea, and Phytophaga of Marsupialia.<BR>(2) The characteristics of the first group consisted of large coronoid process, well-developed masseteric fossa, styloid angular process, short condyloid process, and canoe-shaped body, while the second group is characterised by small or slender coronoid process, small and shallow massecteric fossa, absence of the angular process (except rodents), tall condyloid process, and tapering body with slight modifications.<BR>(3) In view of the food habit, the first group is animal-eating (except Megachiroptera), and the second, plant-eating. Therefore, the author calls the former &ldquo; Zoophagous Group &rdquo; and the latter &ldquo; Phytophagous Group &rdquo;. It is suggested that Megachiroptera may have lately changed its alimentation from insectivorous to frugivorous style.
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.94, no.1, pp.1-6, 2017 (Released:2017-12-06)

The present report describes a newborn calf with spina bifida that presented with a giant mass of the lumbar region, as well as subsequent gross, histological, and immunohistochemical examinations. A malformed Japanese black calf (estimated weight = 20 kg) was euthanized immediately after birth. A gross evaluation revealed a giant mass (approximately 60 cm × 30 cm × 15 cm) covered by the hair coat in the lumbar region and connected with the hair coat of the trunk. The mass surface was divided by a deep polygonal groove and externally resembled a lobulated kidney. Histology and immunohistochemistry revealed that the giant mass comprised a vessel, bronchiolus lined with cuboidal epithelium, and small alveolus. Bone bleaching revealed various abnormalities, including spina bifida, vertebral fusion, vertebral deformity, vertebral malformation, vertebral scoliosis, and coxal bone malformation. Following a suggestion that the giant lumbar region mass was occupied by lung tissue, this case was considered to involve an asymmetric conjoined duplicitas that resulted in a very rare dichotomous spondylosis malformation.