Japanese Society for Study of Occupation
作業科学研究 (ISSN:18824234)
vol.16, no.1, pp.55-65, 2022-12-31 (Released:2023-02-01)

Abstract: Background: Due to the COVID-19, many people are forced to restraint from their activities. People who are restricted in their activities can be said to be in a state of occupational deprivation, but it is thought that they might be taking action to keep themselves healthy even in such a blocked situation. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in coping behaviors between elderly and young in dealing with occupational deprivation, and to show the potential for new health promotion, especially for elderly based on the results. Methods: To explore the state of occupational deprivation among the elderly and the young and their coping behaviors, a questionnaire survey of 89 elderly and 264 young generation was conducted. In the questionnaire, basic attributes of the respondents, self-rated health, things they had stopped doing or reduced the number of times they did, and things they had started doing or increased the number of times due to the COVID-19 were asked. We analyzed the feature of coping behavior under occupational deprivation by the elderly and the young. Results: The coping behaviors were categorized into the following four groups: "loss or decrease of existing occupations," "enhancement of existing occupations," "continuation and maintenance of existing occupations," and "introduction of new occupations". There were no significant differences in self-rated health among the four groups, but there was a trend toward lower self-rated health when comparing "loss or decrease of existing occupations" and the other groups. The elderly tended to engage in outward-looking occupations such as creating social connections online, while the young tended to engage in inward-looking occupations such as familiar household chores and hobby. Conclusion: People had different coping behaviors that tended to vary by generation against occupational deprivation. Using online is already familiar among the elderly, and it is necessary to recognize for those potential they have and develop health promotion activities using ICT technology and other means.