Koichi Shishido
The Medical Society of Kansai Medical University
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.26, no.Supplement, pp.S1-S13, 1974-03-20 (Released:2013-02-19)
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The proportion of dietary protein modifies the tumorgenesis of glandular stomach in rats that received NG in drinking water. If a 50% casein diet is given regularly from the date of carcinogenic stimulus by NG, the final tumor number and their malignancy are more pronounced than in other groups maintained on 20% or 36% casein diets.36% casein diets, when given concurrently with the carcinogen throughout the experimental period, showed slightly more accelerated tumorgenesis than rats on 20% casein diets, but there were about the same number of malignancies. The survival time of rats on 5 % casein diets was too short and no tumors developed among rats that survived 5 to 6 monthes after experimental initiation.The general conclusion drawn from these data is that high dietary protein exerts a potentiation effect on NG tumorgenesis, especially in carcinogenesis.
保坂 智子 斉藤 正巳
The Medical Society of Kansai Medical University
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.12, no.3, pp.446-452, 1960

A comparative study has been made on personality structure of alcohol and heroin addicts by means of Rorschach test (revised edition of Waseda). For this purpose, ten pathological drinkers, ten heroin addicts and ten normal controls have been picked out of the in-patients and the employees, and studied in Keihan Sanatrium.<BR>The outline of results is as follows.<BR>1) As a rule, W percentage is high in the heroin addicts, of whom five have presented W-D mode of approach, while W-D is usual in the remaining two groups.<BR>2) It must be noted that four heroin addicts have showed FB<SUB>2</SUB> type of experience and three alcoholics have showed A<SUB>2</SUB> type.<BR>3) M response is more in alcoholics, less or sometimes lacking in heroin addicts than in normal controls. It is important and essential difference between these two addicts groups.<BR>4) It may be no wonder that colour saturation is more frequent in the addicts than in the control group.<BR>5) In heroin group, T, TF and FT responses are relatively much as compared with those in the other groups. It may represent the desire for tactual love in the addicted individuals to heroin.<BR>6) As to the content of responses, high H percentage in alcohol group may represent the craving for the human relation, while low H in heroin groups may represent the tendency to escape from it.<BR>From the above described results, it may concluded that the alcohol addiction is of neurotic nature and the heroin addicts are rather psychopathic. The present authors believe that this conclusion is of much use in the treatment of various addictions.
金沢 浩吉
The Medical Society of Kansai Medical University
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.21, no.4, pp.79-93, 1969

While 196 autopsy cases pre8enting alveolar macrophages containing. brown pigment such as hemosiderin, were examined, it was found that 148 cases, that is,75.52 of all the cases revealed the presence of so-called heart failure cells yielding a positive 'mercuryaffinity reaction.<BR>And among these cases the strong mercury-affinity reaction-positive cases presenting an iron reaction-negative or a weak iron reaction-positive pigment in alveolar macrophages, accounted for 44. cases (about 30% of 148 cases), of which 33 cases (75% of 44 cases)were found to have malignant tumors accompanied by cachexia.<BR>The remaining II cases had suffered from consum p tive diseases accompanied by an evident cachekia. Moreov er, according to the author's detailed histochemica, observations of 44 cases demonstrating the so-called heart failure cells, it has been manifested that congestive lung edema., probably due to cachexia is usually present, and that the, appearance of these, cells is ncit directly related to intraalveolar -hemorrhage and destruction of red corpuscles due to severe lung congestion, a factor which had been regarded as essential conditions for the appearance of heart failure cells.<BR>Thus, taking the above re sults into account, - the occurrence of ceroid-like -pigment 'in the so-called heart failure cells in ' autopsy cases of cachexia accompanying malignant tumors or consumptive diseases, appears to be closely related to alteration of the components of plasma protein, that is an increase in plasma protein fractions (&alpha;-globulin or glycoprotein) due to a probable 'consumption of tissue proteins and can be possibl y attributed to a phagocytosis of those, proteins carried out by macrophages.<BR>It seems reasonable to assume that the above findings pre s uppose the existence of cachectic lung edema accompanied by congestion in the so-called heart failute cell pigmentpositive cases and that origin of ceroid-like pigment in the so-called heart failure cells may be attributable to the edematous' protein-rich fluid which may contain the abnormal proteins mentioned above.