HAZAMA Itsuhiro
The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African study monographs. Supplementary issue. (ISSN:02869667)
no.56, pp.33-52, 2018-03

In non-Western societies, citizenship is often discussed as a conceptual tool to reinforce colonial rule and orientalism. In the African context, ethnic groups, which form the cultural basis of ethnic citizenship, are believed to hinder the maturity of nation-states. Thus, the term "citizen" with respect to Africa is often regarded as an empty concept. Along these lines, this paper examines citizenship in indigenous African communities by focusing on the everyday citizenship practices of autonomous East African pastoralist societies. Rather than claim citizen rights from the state, these pastoralists have constituted moral communities with alternative citizenship agendas, which serve to maintain public security and individual livelihoods. By addressing the question of the impasse to citizenship and the logic by which East African pastoralists challenge fixed Western categorizations, this paper highlights the need to flexibly reconceptualize citizenship to create new inclusive spaces uninfluenced by race, ethnicity, class, gender, or geography.
CHE-MPONDA Aleck Humphrey
The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.5, pp.63-74, 1984-12

Plato and Aristotle described a society's leader as naturally selected by Divine Providence. They call him a "Prince" or the "Philosopher King." These characterizations remotely size-up Tanzania's Julius Kambarage Nyerere whose rise to prominence is quite fascinating. A "King" he was not. A "Prince" that he was. His own people rendered him great respect and called him "Mwalimu, " the "philosopher, " the "thinker." The term "Mwalimu" ordinarily means "teacher" but when reverence is injected into it, it means "thinker" or "philosopher." Nyerere schooled in adulthood and became the first Tanganyikan to earn a Master of Arts degree. He accomplished the feat in 1952 at Edinburgh, Scotland. The five years he spent in colonial Britain were years of genuine universal nationalism. Pan-Africanism was in full swing since 1945 calling for self-determination for African peoples then under European imperialism and colonialism. And, following World War II and the formation of the United Nations in 1945, the flame of Tanganyika's nationalism was lit and Nyerere was its bearer. He led Tanganyika to independence by 1961 and to union with distabilized Zanzibar in 1964 to form the current Tanzania. Nyerere was at the helm in Tanzania for over two decades earning for himself and for his country international respectability and domestic tranquility.
The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African study monographs. Supplementary issue. (ISSN:02869667)
vol.51, pp.37-55, 2015-03

People living in the Congo basin forest have developed a variety of ways to use natural resources. Thus, the increase in conservation projects must be accompanied by efforts to clarify the livelihood-related conditions of local people. This paper provided a detailed investigation of the utilization of natural resources by the Bongando people living in the great ape habitat of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Specifically, the paper examined food acquisition and consumption based on direct observations and measurements, and also discussed the adequacy of food assessment approaches. Quantitative data on food acquisition and consumption at the study site showed that the amount of carbohydrates consumed was adequate; however, less animal protein was consumed by those living at the study site than by people living in great ape habitats in Africa. This suggests that availability of animal protein fluctuates, and that the Bongando people follow a dual village/forest lifestyle. Cassava leaves and other vegetables are also important protein sources. Data on the food preferences of the Bongando indicate that they strongly prefer cassava as their staple, and that they engage in sophisticated ways of cultivating leaves for consumption as food. The data also reflect the Bongando people's strong preference for wild animals, and the fact that some people avoid eating livestock. Food preferences are important factors in the success of conservation projects, as it is crucial to find ways for local people to maintain adequate caloric and protein intake that are acceptable to the people themselves and to the projects. Therefore, research based on a food assessment approach should occur in parallel with research based on direct observations. Quantitative food assessment is useful because it provides data for an entire year for a large-scale population. However, it is also necessary to conduct preliminary research to obtain basic information about a population and its use of natural resources. Research designs must be developed based on the analysis, screening, and correction of data by researchers with a deep knowledge about the local livelihoods to prevent human error.
The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.4, pp.77-89, 1983-12

Feeding behaviour in the natural situation and dental morphology of 13 Tanganyika species belonging to 6 genera of algae scraping cichlids were studied to understand the degree of specialization for algae feeding in relation to size. Three parameters, speed of grazing (SG), successive repeated times (SRT) and time interval of browsing (TIB), were measured to analyze the behaviour. The fist two parameters were applied to 6 species of Petrochromis, grazers and the third one to 7 other browsing species. Among grazers, Petrochromis polyodon is regarded as the most adapted and P. fasciolatus as the least adapted to grazing diatoms off the filamentous algae. Among browsers, Telmatochromis temporalis has distinctive behavioural and morphological features, showing the lowest degree of adaptation. The other 6 browsing species share similar features. Limnotilapia dardennei and Simochromis diagramma show a lower degree of adaptation. Tropheus moorei can be regarded as the best adapted to browsing filamentous algae by shearing. S. babaulti and S. marginatus are situated between each of them. Pseudosimochromis curvifrons seems to diverge into browsing by cutting, not shearing. TIB can be regarded as a handling time. The validity of the "jacks-of-all-trades" hypothesis is discussed.
The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African study monographs. Supplementary issue. (ISSN:02869667)
vol.46, pp.27-52, 2013-03

In the northern area of Amhara, weavers produce a garment worn by many, made from a pure white, transparent woven material. Many weavers across Africa, including those in northern Ethiopia, are men. They are both full-time and migrant, the latter coming from the countryside during the slack farming season. Moreover, in Bahir Dar, the capital of Amhara, many prisoners weave the textile, in conformance with the division of labor system to receive an income during the terms of their sentences. Therefore, textile weaving in this area is not limited to skilled craftsmen (full-time weavers); even the unskilled such as prisoners and migrants have the opportunity to weave. However, Amhara's textile weaving industry is male-dominated; women are only involved in spinning the cotton thread in preparation for the weaving. This paper focuses on the weaving techniques and features of Amhara's textiles. Additionally, it investigates whether women's involvement in textile weaving can be expanded.