The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.11, no.3, pp.143-152, 1990-12

This paper discusses the roles played by Lord Frederick Lugard in the creation of provincial administration in Northern Nigeria. During his tenure as the High Commissioner from 1900 to 1906, the provinces he created were more or less "paper" provinces. This was so as the British colonial government had just been established in Northern Nigeria and thus exercised little or no control over most of the provinces. As the creation of the provinces was not preceded by a thorough study, and understanding of the customs and the indigenous administrative system of the people, Lugard's policies created serious problems. For instance, some ethnic groups were placed in provinces where they should not be. This provoked reactions from the people. Some colonial officials also reacted unfavourably to the creation of the provincial administration because of the huge expenditure involved. During his period as Governor-General of Nigeria, 1912-1918, Lugard embarked on the amalgamation of some provinces in Northern Nigeria. Like his previous efforts, this failed to materialize. The failure could be blamed on the character of Lugard and the style of his administration, as well as the peculiar circumstances of the governed. In spite of these problems, the provincial structure created by Frederick Lugard formed the bedrock of the British administration in Northern Nigeria in particular, and Nigeria in general.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.14, no.2, pp.65-77, 1993-08

Rituals of kingship in some parts of Nigeria represent the main social reality for many people, providing meaning amidst clashing and ineffectual ideologies, and promising security in a politically unstable time. In the Benin kingdom the Oba's power is less than in centuries past, but the ideas underling kingship persist, through myth and ritual, as a general cognitive model. By exploring the meanings of Benin kingship rituals and the contemporary contexts of royal ceremonies this paper shows how court performances and other legitimating icons such as cement statuary give the Bini a sense of stability by tying them into a larger imagined tradition of greatness.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.25, no.3, pp.103-147, 2004-10

In a society, gender ideology is created and refl ected in multiple ways. Among the myriad ways, language and culture play great role in creating and refl ecting gendered culture in a society. This paper examines the representation of women in Oromo folk-proverbs and folk-religion, and analyses the position of women in the traditional Oromo cultural practices. Despite all the barriers of patriarchal power, Oromo women had an infl uential position in the past although this has now declined following the decline in the people's indigenous cultural practices. Oromo proverbs about womanhood were categorized into cultural stereotypes. Although the majority of the sample proverbs were basically disparaging, the semantics were shown to depend to a large extent on the complex whole of their context of use. The implications were also presented and discussed.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-14, 2009-03

Contradictions exist among ideologies, language policy statements, and practice regarding the language of instruction (LoI) in primary education in Tanzania. In 1961, independent Tanzania inherited colonial education, using Swahili and English. When socialism was introduced in 1967, Swahili was declared the only LoI. The government legalized private and English-medium schools in the 1990s but maintained Swahili as the LoI. There is an English syllabus for English-medium schools, while the Primary School Leaving Examination is administered in Swahili and English. However, only the elite can afford Englishmedium education. The majority of children attend Swahili-medium government schools. The government needs to firmly establish that both Swahili and English are LoI of primary education, because English is the LoI of secondary and post-secondary education. The government must enable all children to master both languages in order for them to acquire an education that allows them to compete favourably for employment.
Akiyo Aminaka
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.42, pp.165-186, 2022 (Released:2022-12-22)

Colonato de Cela, an agro-industrial project in Angola is a clear illustration of the interest of the state, both colonial and independent, in the development of rural areas that are not easily penetrated by state governance. It, along with a twin project, Colonato de Limpopo, in Mozambique, was one of the biggest development projects in the post-war period in the colonies of Portugal, which adopted the concept from Israeli agricultural settlement schemes. Portugal was not the only country to borrow the scheme from Israel, but also newly independent countries in Africa did. Active promotion of the scheme by the Israelis through diplomacy led to its wide acceptance, as did the urgent needs of the host countries and their recognition of Israel as a feasible model. By the time of 1973 Arab-Israeli War, these countries no longer accepted Israeli technical assistance. However, its spirit was revived in 2005 after the end of the civil war when the Angolan government inaugurated the Aldeia Nova project whose forerunner was Colonato de Cela in order to settle demobilised soldiers. Throughout the contemporary history of the development scheme transfer, this analysis shows that the practices of developmentalism by the state with independence or regime change easily supersedes the ideological differences.
NWOKO Kenneth Chukwuemeka
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.35, no.3/4, pp.129-148, 2014-12

This study examines the role of international humanitarian organizations and the politics of relief operations during the Nigerian Civil War. It investigates the nexus between the politicization of humanitarian operations during the three-year conflict, and the death, hunger and starvation of millions of Biafrans. The study explores how the triangular politics among the Federal Military Government of Nigeria, the Biafran authorities, and the humanitarian organizations, in particular, the International Committee of the Red Cross impacted on the women, children and the elderly in Biafra. The author argues that the issue of sovereignty was only a cover to politicize the relief assistance going to Biafra and consequently abort the operations, thus, serving as a war strategy for both the Nigerian and Biafran authorities.
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.17, no.3, pp.101-116, 1996-10

In the miombo woodland of northern Zambia, the Bemba have practiced a unique shifting cultivation called citemene system, tree branches are collected into a garden area from the surrounding tree-cutting area and burnt. This study clarifies the impact of citemene system on the environment by analyzing 1) ecological fallow periods, 2) effects of burning on vegetation, and 3) optimum fallow periods in both the tree-cutting area and the garden area. 1) In the tree-cutting area, a fallow period of 30 years is required to reach a proto-climax stage of the woodland after cutting and burning trees (ecological fallow periods). In the garden area, fallow period should be more than 50 years. 2) At the early stage of regeneration, the miombo woodland species dominated the tree-cutting area, while species of the open woodland and chipya forest dominated in the garden area. The difference in vegetation between the two areas tended to become reduced as the fallow period increases. 3) Optimum fallow periods which may supply enough biomass for finger millet production and make sustainable utilization of miombo woodland possible, were estimated to be 16 years for the tree-cutting area and about 35 to 40 years for the garden area. A fallow period shorter than the optimum fallow period, is likely to diminish wood biomass and yield of finger milet. To avoid such situations, the Bemba have traditionally moved villages or built seasonal dwelling for citemene cultivation which are far from the settlement.
African study monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.26, no.1, pp.15-58, 2005

Every African society south of the Sahara has a long history of transmitting knowledge and human experience through the medium of oral tradition. This paper is on the function of oral traditions among the Arsi-Oromo of Ethiopia. Before the coming of Islam and Christianity, the Arsi were followers of Waaqeffannaa (belief in Sky God), the Oromo version of the African traditional religion. In the Arsiland, the Oromo traditional religion existed side by side with Islam, as the latter was mostly tolerant in the past. The indigenous Oromo religious traditions offered Islam an African feature. The cult of Sheikh Hussein of Bale is one quasi-Islamic tradition that has survived. The Arsi oral traditions are good sources about the nature of Waaqeffannaa and the cult of Sheikh Hussein. Based on the oral traditions of the Arsi and other African societies, the writer concluded that in Africa the function of oral traditions is in constant flux. In addition to replicating the past experiences of the society, African oral traditions serve also as mediums to provide self-conscious commentary on the patterns of life in their societies. Another conclusion is that the homology or dialectical unity between oral art and its social function is contextually determined.
CHE-MPONDA Aleck Humphrey
The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.5, pp.63-74, 1984-12

Plato and Aristotle described a society's leader as naturally selected by Divine Providence. They call him a "Prince" or the "Philosopher King." These characterizations remotely size-up Tanzania's Julius Kambarage Nyerere whose rise to prominence is quite fascinating. A "King" he was not. A "Prince" that he was. His own people rendered him great respect and called him "Mwalimu, " the "philosopher, " the "thinker." The term "Mwalimu" ordinarily means "teacher" but when reverence is injected into it, it means "thinker" or "philosopher." Nyerere schooled in adulthood and became the first Tanganyikan to earn a Master of Arts degree. He accomplished the feat in 1952 at Edinburgh, Scotland. The five years he spent in colonial Britain were years of genuine universal nationalism. Pan-Africanism was in full swing since 1945 calling for self-determination for African peoples then under European imperialism and colonialism. And, following World War II and the formation of the United Nations in 1945, the flame of Tanganyika's nationalism was lit and Nyerere was its bearer. He led Tanganyika to independence by 1961 and to union with distabilized Zanzibar in 1964 to form the current Tanzania. Nyerere was at the helm in Tanzania for over two decades earning for himself and for his country international respectability and domestic tranquility.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-36, 1994-06

The colonisation of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) by the British in 1890 profoundly affected the development of the country. One of the enduring influences of colonialism has been the introduction of a state-directed formal education system. The history of the colonial educational policy was largely shaped and constrained by the values and assumptions of a white racial elite, determined to maintain a socio-economic and political dominance over other ethnic groups in the country.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.19, no.3, pp.127-148, 1998-11

This paper provides an overview of the habitat, natural resources, history, and socioeconomy of a small group of foragers called the Mikea who live in a semiarid forest environment of southwestern Madagascar. The flora and fauna of this forest are made up largely of rare, endemic species to Madagascar and the fragile environment is at risk of destruction by the process of desertification, particularly slash-and-burn agriculture and overgrazing by livestock. It is hypothesized that the Mikea persist as hunter-gatherers as an ecological and socioeconomic adaptation employing resource partitioning and mutualistic specialization with neighboring agropastoralists. Suggestions are proposed how to mitigate the detrimental affects of slash-and-burn cultivation.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.23, no.2, pp.65-89, 2002-06

A growing body of literature in the behavioral, ecological and pharmacological sciences suggests that animals use certain plants for the control of parasite infection and related illnesses. It has also become increasingly apparent that chimpanzees in Africa and their human counterparts share strong similarities in the plants they use for the treatment of similar diseases. Little is yet known, however, of the other closest living ape relative in Africa, the gorilla. Here we review the ethnopharmacological literature to evaluate the possible role of plant secondary compounds in the diet of gorillas in the wild. A total of 118 medicinal plant species from 59 families are listed from an extensive review of the literature on gorilla diet in the wild. The major pharmacological activities of those plant foods, which are also used in traditional medicine include antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, cardiotonic, hallucinogenic, stimulatory and respiratory activities. A greater understanding of the role of such plants in the primate diet and how these plants can be used for health maintenance is a promising new avenue for expanding our understanding of the biological basis and origins of traditional human medicinal practices and for developing novel applications of ethnopharmacological knowledge for humans.
African study monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.21, no.4, pp.159-171, 2000

In Tanzania, the press is the second most accessible type of mass media after the radio, a key source of information and entertainmaent. Short stories in two Tanzania daily newspapers publishes in the national language, Kiswahili, were analyzed to investigate how authors represented women. Readers and non-readers of newspapers were also interviewed. The content and linguistic analyses revealed that more than two thirds of the stories depicted women negatively, by using linguistic devices such as derogatory terms, metaphors, diminutive forms, compliments, self-incrimination and the assignment of talk-turns. Derogatory language and content in the stories reflect and perpetuate negative attitudes and beliefs about women in society, are counterproductive, and perpetuate low self-esteem in women. The press should become an agent of social change, towards gender parity and promote a gender sensitive representation of women.
The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.4, pp.77-89, 1983-12

Feeding behaviour in the natural situation and dental morphology of 13 Tanganyika species belonging to 6 genera of algae scraping cichlids were studied to understand the degree of specialization for algae feeding in relation to size. Three parameters, speed of grazing (SG), successive repeated times (SRT) and time interval of browsing (TIB), were measured to analyze the behaviour. The fist two parameters were applied to 6 species of Petrochromis, grazers and the third one to 7 other browsing species. Among grazers, Petrochromis polyodon is regarded as the most adapted and P. fasciolatus as the least adapted to grazing diatoms off the filamentous algae. Among browsers, Telmatochromis temporalis has distinctive behavioural and morphological features, showing the lowest degree of adaptation. The other 6 browsing species share similar features. Limnotilapia dardennei and Simochromis diagramma show a lower degree of adaptation. Tropheus moorei can be regarded as the best adapted to browsing filamentous algae by shearing. S. babaulti and S. marginatus are situated between each of them. Pseudosimochromis curvifrons seems to diverge into browsing by cutting, not shearing. TIB can be regarded as a handling time. The validity of the "jacks-of-all-trades" hypothesis is discussed.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.29, no.3, pp.133-145, 2008-09

From the turn of the 18th century to the mid-19th century AD, the Danes experimented with plantation agriculture in the foothills of the Akuapem Mountains on the southeastern coastland of the Gold Coast (Ghana). Enslaved Africans were used by the Danes to cultivate the plantations. The Danish planters imposed controls over the plantation landscape. The enslaved workers reacted to their entrapped situations by resisting the various forms of control imposed on the plantation set-up. In this paper, the socio-cultural relations that emanated from the interactions on the plantations are examined. The paper specifically investigates the dynamics of power manifested in diverse control mechanisms imposed by the planters and the corresponding reaction from the slaves to counteract these impositions.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.12, no.1, pp.19-42, 1991-06

This report forms one of a series of papers examining my hypothesis that the aye-aye's (Daubentonia madagascariensis) unusual adaptation is more reasonably explained by a diet of hard-nuts rather than one of wood-boring insect larvae. An extensive survey showed that the distribution of the aye-aye and that of Canarium spp. (which bears hard-nuts) overlapped on the eastern coast and in the central highland of Madagascar. An intensive study was conducted at the Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve on a total of 33 nights during three different periods in 1988 and 1989. I observed the aye-ayes eating ramy nuts (Canarium spp.) throughout the entire observation period, the parasitical outgrowth of the cambial layer of Afzelia bijuga from June through October except for August, insect larvae, beans of Entada phaseoloides, and the flowers of Macaranga cuspidata from September to October. The aye-aye spends a relatively high proportion (over 40%) of its time engaged in feeding during October and December when ramy forms the main part of its diet, while from June to July, and September, when other food items are additionally consumed, the proportion of resting time becomes relatively high (over 10%). Although the aye-aye was often spotted singly, it was also common to see more than one individual (up to four) adjacent to another (13% of all the observation units in which the aye-aye was spotted) throughout the observation periods. Two species of ramy (Canarium spp.) are distributed in the Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve. C. Boivini bore fruits over the entire observation period. A single nut of the ramy provides of 4.38 kcal of energy and requires about two minutes on average for consumption. I estimated the nightly energy intake as 262.8 kcal.
IKEYA Kazunobu
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.15, no.3, pp.119-134, 1994-11

Among the Central Kalahari San, hunting with dogs was once only of secondary importance to that with traps or bows and arrows. In recent years, hunting with bows and arrows has declined, whereas that with dogs has become more common. Dogs play an important role when the San hunt large antelopes with spears, or medium-sized animals with sticks. Hunting success depends on the hunter's skill in identifying footprints and timing for throwing the spear, and the chasing and fighting abilities of the dog. The owners of the dogs participating in a hunt share the game. Three factors can be identified for the increase in dog hunting. Firstly, dogs have increased dramatically. Secondly, dog hunting does not require hunters to learn new skills, and convenient for the San who travel long distance on foot. Thirdly, hides of medium-sized animals and dried gemsbok meat have become important source of cash in a developing commercial economy.
African study monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.27, no.2, pp.pp. 63-86, 2006

Since the 1980s, many researchers have reconsidered and criticized the representation of pastoral societies in East Africa as patriarchal. But they often failed to question the Western biased analytical framework, that is, the public-political-men/ private-domestic-women dichotomy. In this paper, I focus on the space of coffee drinking in the house, one of the most daily and communal spaces among the Daasanetch of southwestern Ethiopia to examine the applicability of this dichotomy. The handling of coffee is under the wife's discretion, and only she can brew and allocate it, so that the space of coffee drinking fundamentally depends on her work. This space has a political importance such as to entertain guests, to bless the society with peace and affluence, and to conduct many rites de passage. This space is for the gathering and discussion by people of all social categories on private to public topics. The wife always participates in the activities of this space not only as a laborer but as an active participant in the processes of rituals and discussions. Distinctions of public/private domains and political/domestic activities are almost meaningless in the Daasanetch space of coffee drinking. While a wife brews and allocates coffee as a domestic worker in her private house, she participates in the political discussion to settle public issues. The space is both private and public, and the wife is domestic and political simultaneously.