中嶋 理帆 中田 光俊 Nakajima Riho Nakada Mitsutoshi
Wellness and Health Care Society
Journal of wellness and health care = Journal of wellness and health care (ISSN:24341509)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1-9, 2019-08-01

笠島 里美 Kasashima Satomi
Wellness and Health Care Society
Journal of wellness and health care = Journal of wellness and health care (ISSN:24333190)
vol.41, no.2, pp.1-7, 2018-01-31

IgG4 関連疾患(IgG4-relared disease; IgG4-RD)は,血清の IgG4 高値,組織での多数の IgG4陽性の形質細胞浸潤と線維増生を特徴とする疾患群である . 発見から 10 年以上経過し,全身ほぼ全ての臓器に発生しうる事や免疫異常が病因に関わる事等など,病態の理解も進んできた. 腹部大動脈瘤の一亜型に,動脈壁肥厚や炎症細胞浸潤が特徴的な炎症性腹部大動脈瘤 がある.IgG4-RD が多中心性の繊維増殖性疾患の視点から, 我々は炎症性腹部大動脈瘤の約半数が IgG4-RD である事を解明し,臨床病理像をまとめてきた . その後,心血管領域での IgG4-RD の探索を進め,大血管のみならず中型血管,冠動脈,大腿動脈等の末梢血管にまで発生することや,その多くが炎症性動脈瘤或いは動脈周囲炎を呈することも解明し,現在では1gG4 関連血管病変の概念が確立してきた . 本稿では,頻度が高く,prototype となる IgG4 関連炎症性腹部大動脈瘤から説明し, 胸部大動脈,中型動脈,心病変などについても,疾患概念,診断,臨床像,病理像,治療等の概略を示す.
柳原 清子 Yanagihara Kiyoko
Wellness and Health Care Society
Journal of wellness and health care = Journal of wellness and health care (ISSN:24341509)
vol.44, no.1, pp.1-7, 2020-08-03

"House/home" and "family" have become keywords once again during the current outbreak of COVID-19. Expectations are placed on "relationships" and "bonds" as well as "family nursing," which supports the resilience of the family to emerge from the crisis. This article describes what family nursing is, what kind of support it provides, and the latest family nursing practices. At the core of family nursing lies "family systems theory," according to which the family is a system, and patients, family members and health care providers are mutually influential members of an environmental system. Family nursing practice consists of taking an overview of individuals (patients), families, and society (the setting for healthcare) through systems thinking, and making adjustments to the system using circular communication. Recently, in medical fields including home care, conflict has frequently arisen between medical staff and the family; often, there is also intra-family conflict due to the reduced ability of the family to cope. A solution-oriented approach is effective in coordinating between health care providers and family members, and between family members themselves, including support in decision-making. The "Watanabe-style" family assessment/support model is based on this solution-oriented approach. The Watanabe-style assessment/support process involves: (1) narrowing down the goals to be solved "here and now" and the target people to approach, (2) grasping the context of each person, (3) distinguishing vicious circles from interactions, and (4) coordinating relationships through circular communication aimed at breaking the vicious circles. In family nursing in the age of COVID-19, it is important to provide support with a systematic and solution-oriented approach that enables the family to respond to environmental threats.