石崎 和宏 王 文純
美術教育学:美術科教育学会誌 (ISSN:0917771X)
vol.18, pp.1-13, 1997-03-31 (Released:2017-06-12)

The purpose of this study was to analyze various problems of the definition concerned with the aesthetic development, of the methodology, and of the developmental stage model. The method of the consideration was the critical examination of the pertinent literature on the development of aesthetic sensitivity. The focal point of this study was the developmental issue of aesthetic sensitivity as a fundamental ability in the aesthetic development. With the methodology on the developmental study of aesthetic sensitivity, this study examined some problems of the methodology of Parsons. With the developmental stage model, two hypotheses of Parsons (1987) and Housen (1983) were compared. This study directed its attention to the interactive relationship between cognitive aspect and emotional aspect in the development of aesthetic sensitivity, and the sequence and the developmental factor in the developmental stage. Particularly, as for the developmental factor, recent investigations have suggested the viewpoint related to the inborn character, and the learned character. In the light of recent empirical researches, the influence of the inborn character appears remarkably until adolescence, and there is a high correlation between developmental stage and age. After then, the influence of the environment appears strongly, and it should be noted that culture, training, and learning promote the development of aesthetic sensitivity remarkably. From now on, how we evaluate the environmental factor in art education is thought the subject that should be discussed concerning the hypotheses of the development of aesthetic sensitivity.


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