本村 健太
美術教育学:美術科教育学会誌 (ISSN:0917771X)
vol.23, pp.245-255, 2002-03-30 (Released:2017-06-12)

With the idea of integration of art, unification of art and technology, and teaching the whole man, the historical Bauhaus is still actual today.The purposes of this study are as follows: - Rethinking of the Bauhaus as a design movement of social reform and practice of wholistic education through art. - Finding new subjects for art and education in the multimedia age. - Focusing not only on technological argument and methodology, but also on cultural argument and ideology for research of `the expression through multi media'.The view of `techno culture' (e.g. club-scene, Love Parade, VJ) shows a new life-style with the unification of art and technology. It is important for art education in the future that techno culture as `sub culture' is sensitive to the spirit of the times, encourages experimental trials and proposes a new life-style.


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