森本 扶
日本社会教育学会紀要 (ISSN:03862844)
vol.40, pp.91-100, 2004 (Released:2021-02-05)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the practical idea of “Jidokan”, Child Welfare Institutions, has changed in state measures and theories, and to understand structurally the historical process of “Jidokan” practice in Tokyo since the 1970s, taking notice of the relation between the idea and individual practices.  State run “Jidokan” have been needed to cope with various subjects, for example to educate children healthily and to support child rearing. The theoretical ideas can be classified roughly into an outline of the right to live and of the right to education. The former has been the principle concept behind the establishment of the institutions. The latter, growing out of it, has aimed to establish children's independence for creating their culture by nurturing their own organizations. In practical activities, practitioners have been groping in the dark in face of a gap between the two ideas. But we can find some practices in which children have acted creatively, not as recipients of service.  Today, we have to make the meaning of these hidden practices and to deepen the idea of “Jidokan” in accordance with an outline of the right of education.


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資料】「戦後の児童館実践理念の変遷 ~1970年代以降の東京都を中心に~」(森本扶) https://t.co/bCPKtA1wMd

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