Alia Badawi Mai El Halawany Randa Latif
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.43, no.2, pp.284-288, 2020-02-01 (Released:2020-02-01)

Thiamine hydrochloride has been suggested as a natural, safe yet effective alternative for chemical insect repellents. However, there is a demand for a reassessment of the minimum required dose that is sufficient to perform a topical repellency on the human skin. Therefore, the purpose of the current work is to establish a dose–response curve from which the effective dose (ED) is calculated. A series of increasing concentrations of thiamine hydrochloride were applied to the forearm of adult volunteers, the number of bites was counted and the percent repellency calculated accordingly. Data of percent repellency were converted to probit values which were plotted against log doses. A linear relation was obtained from the dose–response curve with an r2 = 0.958. Statistical validation of the equation was tested through linear regression analysis, where the slope and intercept were found significant from zero. No significant difference was shown between observed and expected responses (p > 0.05). ED 50 and 99.9% were computed from the linear equation and found to be 4.57 and 344 mg, respectively. This finding can be supported by future works in which a proper formulation of thiamine hydrochloride in the respective doses would be presented. One can get prolonged safe protection against insect bites.


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@fancypirate8 A Pilot Clinical Study on Thiamine Hydrochloride as a New Mosquito Repellent: Determination of the Minimum Effective Dose on Human Skin https://t.co/5ghcHN4TQf Anecdotally, topical magnesium chloride also seems to help repel mosquitoes. It’s necessary in utilizing thiamine… https://t.co/sWQFlfUWVJ https://t.co/HkuQ6poEvY
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